
  • 网络Yan Chai Hospital
  1. 半岛狮子会老人宿舍〔仁济医院〕

    Hong Kong Peninsula Lions Club Hostel for the Elderly [ Yan Chai Hospital ]

  2. 她同日被转往仁济医院,现时情况稳定。

    She was transferred to Yan Chai Hospital on the same day and is now in stable condition .

  3. 方法回顾性分析在仁济医院行PET/CT检查的18例肝癌肝移植术后患者的影像学检查资料,临床随访甲胎蛋白(AFP)的动态变化及病程。

    Methods Retrospective analysis of PET / CT imaging data of 18 liver cancer patients with liver transplantation hospitalized in our hospital was conducted .

  4. 方法:对1987年1月~2003年12月在仁济医院接受胃镜检查而被诊断为消化性溃疡者的年龄、溃疡类型、幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染等情况进行统计分析。

    Methods : The age , ulcer type and Helicobacter pylori ( H.pylori ) status among peptic ulcer patients who received gastroscopy in Renji Hospital from January 1987 to December 2003 were statistically analyzed .

  5. 单位:上海第二医科大学附属仁济医院骨科。

    SETTING : Orthopedic Department of Renji Hospital of Shanghai Second Medical University .

  6. 此外,浦东地区最大的医院&仁济医院和酒店同属一个社区。

    Renji Hospital , which is the largest hospital in Pudong area , is one block from the complex hotels .

  7. 仁济医院的一名发言人说,无法联系到李铮置评。上海精子库就设立在仁济医院。

    A spokesperson at Ruijin Hospital , which houses the sperm bank , said Mr. Li was not available for comment .

  8. 人们在仁济医院很难看上的专家,在这里却可以预约&但要支付预约费用。

    The specialists who are so very hard to see at Renji are now suddenly available by appointment & for a price .

  9. 郭玉章夫人护理安老院〔仁济医院〕在巴勒莫一家医院里动个简单手术,就可以一劳永逸地免除痛感。

    Mrs Kwok Yuk Cheung Care-and-Attention Home [ Yan Chai Hospital ] Simple surgery in a Palermo hospital would permanently relieve the pain .

  10. 历史建筑保护性再利用社会影响评价研究&以武昌仁济医院为例

    Social Impact Assessment for Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings : A Case Study of the London Mission Hospital for Men / Women in Wuchang

  11. 方法:对2002年10月~2003年12月于上海第二医科大学附属仁济医院消化内镜中心行胃镜或结肠镜检查者中上海本地区患者的报警症状发生情况进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : The prevalence of warning symptoms of consecutive autochthonous patients referred to the Endoscopy Center , Renji Hospital , Shanghai Second Medical University from October 2002 to December 2003 were analyzed retrospectively .

  12. 仁济医院董事会顾问吴志斌说,先遣队到来之际,香港特区的医疗资源已达到极限。

    Ng Chi-pan , advisor to the board of directors of the Yan Chai Hospital , says the team came at a time when the medical resources have been stretched to the limit in Hong Kong .

  13. 目的:观察仁济医院的日间手术管理模式对于医疗费用支出以及手术科室和全院床位使用情况的影响。

    Objective : To observe the change caused by ' Daytime Operation Manage Mode ( DOMM ) ' to the expense of medical treatment and the bed utilization of the surgery section as well as that of the hospital .