  • benevolence;love;kindheartedness;humanity
  • sensitive
  • 一种道德范畴,指人与人相互友爱、互助、同情等:~义(a.仁爱与正义;b.通情达理,性格温顺,能为别人着想)。~爱。~政。~人志士(仁爱有节操的人)。~义礼智(儒家的伦理思想)。~至义尽。一视同~(同样看待,不分厚薄)。

  • 果核的最内部分或其他硬壳中可以吃的部分:核桃~儿。

  • 姓。


(仁爱) benevolence; love; kindheartedness; humanity:

  • 为富不仁, 为仁不富。

    The rich are not benevolent; the benevolent are not rich.


(果仁等) kernel:

  • 核桃仁

    walnut kernel [meat];

  • 花生仁

    shelled peanuts;

  • 虾仁

    shelled shrimps; shrimp meat


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 仁裕

    Ren Yu


(敏感) sensitive:

  • 麻木不仁

    insensitive; apathetic

  1. 事实上,仁是他教义的精髓。

    In fact , benevolence is the essence of his teachings .

  2. 论儒家仁教的内涵及其实践方向

    Contents and Direction of Practice of the Confucian Thought of Benevolence

  3. 这些核中有仁。

    These stones contain kernels .

  4. 坚果的仁儿多半可以吃。

    The kernel of most nuts is eatable .

  5. 宋仁曹商出使秦国。

    The man of State Song , Cao Shang , went to the state of Qin as an envoy1 .

  6. 生、炒酸枣仁中酸枣仁皂甙A和B的含量比较

    Content Comparison of Jujuboside A and B in Crude and Baked Semen Ziziphi Spinosae

  7. 萃取方式对超临界CO2萃取樟树籽仁油的影响

    Effect of Extraction Mode on Supercritical CO_2 Extraction of Oil from Camphor Seeds

  8. 超临界CO2萃取整粒花生仁的工艺研究

    Extraction of Whole Peanut Kernel by Supercritical CO2 Technique

  9. 酸枣仁皂苷A、B是中药酸枣仁中的主要有效成分,并具有多方面的药理作用。

    Jujuboside A , B , the most effective components of seed of wild jujube , have many pharmacological effects .

  10. 采用HPLC对核桃仁种皮中的多酚类物质进行了分析研究。

    The determination of polyphenols in the walnut kernel pellicle was studied by HPLC .

  11. 转Bt基因棉籽仁中脂肪酸的分析

    The Analysis of Fatty Acids in Transgenic Bt Cottonseeds

  12. 有害元素Cd、Pb均未检出,核桃仁中As含量较高。

    Harmful elements Cd , Pb were not determined while the content of As in the walnut was higher .

  13. 酸枣仁汤不同配伍情况下棘苷的RP-HPLC测定

    RP - HPLC Determination of Spinosin in Different Combinations of Suanzaoren Decoction

  14. 控制软件采用C语言和MAT仁AB语言混合编程,怠速模糊控制器和部分工况模糊控制器用MATLAB软件的模糊逻辑工具箱开发。

    The system is programmed by C language and MATLAB language . The fuzzy controller is developed by fuzzy logic toolbox .

  15. 进行酸枣仁化学成分研究,提取和分离出数个成分并通过UV、IR、MS、~(13)CNMR进行结构确证。

    Extracting and separating some compounds , confirming the structures through the method of UV IR MS ~ 13CNMR .

  16. 目的观察酸枣仁总皂甙对原发性高血压大鼠(SHR)的降压作用。

    Objective To investigate the hypotensive effect of jujuboside on spontaneous hypertension rats ( SHR ) .

  17. 结果同时显示,花生籽仁Cd污染程度与土壤类型之间存在着一定的关系。因此,摸清青岛花生产区Cd污染源及其与籽仁Cd含量之间的关系,是解决青岛花生Cd污染的首要条件。

    Identification of Cd source and the relationship between the source and soil types is , therefore , considered to be the prerequisite for minimizing of Cd contamination of Qingdao peanut .

  18. 在仁用杏苗木生长初期各部位Zn含量均较高,而且锌主要积累于根系组织,速生期后各部位间Zn含量相对趋于平衡,叶中含量相对偏高。

    The contents of Zn in different organ were all relatively high , mainly concentrated in root tissue , and it live up to a relative balance in rapid growth period ;

  19. 结论扁桃仁属于高K,高Ca,富Fe,富Zn,含优质氨基酸和蛋白、不含Pb,Cd,Hg,As有害元素的健康食品。

    Conclusion The almond kernel is a kind of excellent healthy food without harmful elements , which contains high quality amino acids and protein , and richer Fe , Zn , K and Ca.

  20. 目的:建立酸枣仁皂苷有效部位HPLC指纹图谱分析方法,研究不同产地酸枣仁药材的质量。

    Objective : To establish a method of HPLC-fingerprint spectrum ( HPLC-FPS ) for the active part in Semen Ziziphi Spinosae ( SZS ) in order to control the quality of SZS from different places .

  21. 微核仁在PMCs中数目变化范围在1~7之间。

    The number of micronucleoli varied from 1 to 7 in the PMCs containing micronucleolus .

  22. 目的:观察不同浓度薏苡仁酯对人喉癌Hep-2细胞增殖和凋亡的作用。

    AIM : To investigate the effect of coixenolide ( CXL ) on the proliferation and apoptosis of human laryngocarcinoma Hep-2 cells .

  23. 用亚麻仁油和环戊二烯合成了改性亚麻仁油(NLO)光固化低聚物,其结构用红外光谱(FT-IR)进行了表征。

    Norbornene linseed oil ( NLO ) was synthesized using linseed oil and dicyclopentadiene , and was characterized by gel-permeation chromatography ( GPC ) and FT-IR .

  24. 应用叶片POD同工酶和种子可溶性蛋白PAGE技术,研究丰产、晚花、抗冻和甜仁山杏初选优株的遗传特性及分类,结果表明,60%以上的优株具有可遗传性;

    Hereditary property and classification of pre-selection plants of Armeniaca sibirica such as abundant bearing , late florescence , freeze resistance and sweet almond were studied with PAGE ( polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis ) of leaf peroxidase isoenzyme and seed soluble protein .

  25. SOD作为保护蛋白,与仁用杏抗寒性密切相关,同时也是仁用杏抗旱性的基础条件之一。

    [ 2 ] As a kind of protection protein , SOD is closely related to the chilling resistance of Kernel-apicot ; and at the same time it is also one of basic condition of drought resistance of Kernel-apricot .

  26. 通过PatternEditor、AutoCAD等软件制作了二维网点文件,利用激光雕刻机对模仁进行网点加工,最后通过注塑成型的方法制作了双出射导光板样品。

    First , producing 2D dot files by software , such as Pattern Editor , AutoCAD and so on . Second , making dots on the module by Laser engraver machines . At last , obtaining dual-emitting LGP samples by injection molding .

  27. 采用MTT法和活细胞计数法观察薏苡仁酯(Coixenolide,CXL)对人鼻咽癌细胞CNE-2Z生长的影响。

    The antitumor effect of coixenolide ( CXL ) was studied with human nasopharyngeal carcinoma CNE 2Z in vitro by MTT assay .

  28. 通过谷氨酸损伤海马神经元模型的建立,研究田七、天麻、益智仁药组对Glu损伤胎鼠海马神经元的保护作用。

    Through the establishment of glutamate injury model of hippocampal neurons , research Tianqi , Tianma , the protective effect of treating diabetes drug group Glu damage fetal hippocampal neurons . 3 .

  29. 结果表明:各器官PPO活性和SOD活性在不同生育期存在较显著的差异,PPO与SOD活性均与仁用杏树的生理代谢以及抗逆性有关PPO可作为仁用杏树的抗逆性生化指标。

    The activity of PPO and SOD is related to physiology metablism and adverse circumstances resistance of the kernel apricot , and the former could be used as biochemical index of adverse circumstances resistance of kernel apricot .

  30. 对低温胁迫下3个仁用杏品种1a生休眠枝中可溶性蛋白质含量、SOD和POD酶活性的变化及与抗寒性的关系进行了研究。

    The changes of soluble protein contents , superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and peroxidase ( POD ) activities and their relationship with cold resistant ability in year dormancy wattles of 3 varieties apricot under high cold stress were studied .