
  1. 试论语文教学中的审美主客体及其关系

    On Relationship between Aesthetical Subject and Object in Language Teaching

  2. 第一,必须把握审美主客体的审美个性。

    First , we must grasp the main object of aesthetic personality .

  3. 试从审美主客体互动看翻译多样性

    Tentative Probing into Translation Multiplicity by Viewing the Interaction of Aesthetic Subject and Object

  4. 这种存在于音乐审美主客体之间的是一种双向的、动态的价值关系。

    This relationship between the subjective and objective is a bi-directional and dynamic relations .

  5. 最后,文章粗略地对影响音乐剧审美主客体互动的重要因素&商业操作性进行了论述。

    Finally , the article roughly discussed the commercial operation , the important element that influences the relation between aesthetic subjects and objects .

  6. 笔者旨在通过对审美主客体的美学研究,对诗歌翻译的审美标准、美学特征和艺术规律进行理论探索。

    Based on the aesthetic recognition of verse translation , certain aesthetic theories will be applied in the study of both aesthetic objects and subjects .

  7. 想象以为事是叶燮对审美主客体意象创造关系的说明,这种意象的创造是审美认识、审美情感、审美想象的融合。

    " Imagining out the matter " was the explanation of his aesthetic creation , which was a mixture of aesthetic comprehension , feeling and imagination .

  8. 刘熙载又进一步提出“诗为天人之合”,增加了主体因素,把主体与客体有机结合起来,实质上就是把文艺的本质归结为审美主客体的统一。

    Liu Xizai brought up furthermore that " poetry was the fusion of human and universe ", which added the subject factor , combined the object and subject .

  9. 《吕氏春秋》认为事物的美应是在宇宙万物的运动变化之中,审美主客体相契相适之中,人生追求的理想之中。

    Lu-shih ch'un-ch'iu hold the view that beauty lies in the movement of the universe , in the harmony of aesthetic subject and object and in the pursuit of one 's ambition .

  10. “中介论”文艺观认为,文艺审美主客体之间存在着文化心理结构这一重要中介,成为它们沟通与互动的桥梁和纽带。

    Intermediary view holds that the cultural psychology structure is an important intermediary which is the bridge and bond of communication and interacting between aesthetic subject and aesthetic object of the liberal arts .

  11. 倘只有一洗手间时,请示雇主你于何时沐浴。心物相融&山寨温泉浴与审美主客体之关系

    SHOULD INFORM EMPLOYER FIRST WHEN YOU TAKE A BATH . The Harmony of Man and Nature - The Relationship between Aesthetic Subject and Object Initiated by A Mountain Village 's Hot Spring Bath Custom

  12. 主客相融体异性通试论钱钟书的“同感”说心物相融山寨温泉浴与审美主客体之关系

    Study of QIAN Zhong-shu s " the Same Feeling " Theory ; The Harmony of Man and Nature - The Relationship between Aesthetic Subject and Object Initiated by A Mountain Village 's Hot Spring Bath Custom

  13. 洗温泉浴,感受到的是超级的轻柔和超级的享受。心物相融&山寨温泉浴与审美主客体之关系

    A hot spring Bath gives you an experience of super lightness and super enjoyment . The Harmony of Man and Nature - The Relationship between Aesthetic Subject and Object Initiated by A Mountain Village 's Hot Spring Bath Custom

  14. 有关物理刺激和心理反应的数量关系的心理学分支。心物相融&山寨温泉浴与审美主客体之关系

    The branch of psychology concerned with quantitative relations between physical stimuli and their psychological effects . The Harmony of Man and Nature - The Relationship between Aesthetic Subject and Object Initiated by A Mountain Village 's Hot Spring Bath Custom

  15. 好的,这是一个房的单位,有客厅、厨房、浴室和阳台。心物相融&山寨温泉浴与审美主客体之关系

    Yes , it is a one-bedroom apartment , with a living room , a kitchen , a bathroom and a balcony . The Harmony of Man and Nature - The Relationship between Aesthetic Subject and Object Initiated by A Mountain Village 's Hot Spring Bath Custom

  16. 杰出科学家创造的个案也表明:科学意象是对科学美和科学美感的融合,是审美主客体之间所建构的意向性心理图像。

    The case study of creations of excellent scientists shows that scientific images integrated with scientific beauty and scientific aesthetics are reconstructed with intentional psychological images between aesthetic subject and object . Einstein said that written or oral language does not play any part in our mental institutions .

  17. 主客体管理的审美目标是激发主客体的审美超越,增强主客体间的协同效应,提高管理效益。

    The esthetic goal of subjective-objective administration is to stimulate the esthetic transcendence .

  18. 艺术意境即一间审美场:主、客体三层面双向交互作用发生共振效应生成的四维空间形态。

    Artistic mental sense , an aesthetic field , is a four-dimension space form generated by the resonant effect via three_layer , two_way interaction between the aesthetic subject and its , object .

  19. 由天人相合所推衍出来的中国审美意境,正确体现了审美主客体的相互关系,产生了一种独具风采的审美样式,具有极高的审美价值。

    China aesthetic artistic conception coming from the evolution of nature-and-man combination has reflected the interrelation of aesthetic main object correctly , has produced a kind of aesthetic design that has elegance alone , has extremely high aesthetic value .

  20. 音乐审美关系与价值关系一样,存在于审美主客体的协调、融合之中,因此,审美主客体之间的协调、融合是构建音乐艺术审美关系的基础。

    The aesthetic relationship of music , the same as value relationship , exists in the harmony and combination of aesthetic subject and object . Therefore , the harmony and mixture between aesthetic subject and object are the basis on which the aesthetic relationship of music art is built .

  21. 音乐审美关系具有价值关系的特征,并存在于审美主客体的协调之中。

    Music aesthetic relation has the feature of value relationship that coordinates between the subjective and objective .

  22. 审美对象化及其主客体际合建构中介之桥梁&文艺审美主客体关系思考艺术管理中的主客体研究

    Constructing the Bridge of Intermediary & A Reflection on the Relationship between Aesthetic Subject and Aesthetic Object of the Liberal Arts

  23. 上述论者对审美场的构成、审美场结构的动态性、审美场中主客体对应关系、审美场的类型、审美场效应等理论问题作了阐释。

    They explained questions of the aesthetic fields , such as components , structual dynamics , corresponding relations between the subjects and the objects , types , effects and so on .

  24. 观,观是中国传统审美方式的基型,在美学意义上可称之为审美观照,是主客体之间建立审美联系的特殊方式。

    Observation is one of the basic form of Chinese traditional aesthetic methods , through which subject and object come into aesthetic contact with each other , and we also call it aesthetic vision in aesthetic meaning .