
  • 网络aesthetics culture
  1. 论护士审美修养的条件和形式

    On the Condition and Form of Aesthetic Appreciation by Nurses

  2. 摄影者必须具有良好的审美修养,独具慧眼,才能发现美和创造美。

    Only by possessing good aesthetic accomplishment , exceptional insight and expert observation ability can a photographer find beauty and create beauty .

  3. 养护条件对可控制渗透性模板使用效果的影响临床护士对职业审美修养具备条件的认知调查

    THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT CURING CONDITIONS ON CONTROLLED PERMEABILITY FORMWORK Investigation on Nurses ' Identification with Qualities Required for Professional Aesthetic Cultivation

  4. 除了人们自身的审美修养提升,审美教育是实现审美人格的重要途径。

    In addition to enhance the aesthetic cultivation of people by themselves , aesthetic education is an important way to achieve the aesthetic personality .

  5. 提高学生的审美修养,树立健康高尚的审美观,是高校美育教师不断努力的目标。

    Improving the students'appreciation of beauty and developing the lofty and right attitude of beauty-appreciating is a goal that the beauty-educating teachers should continuously seek for .

  6. 要编出受众喜欢的期刊,编辑不仅要提高自己的审美修养,更要深刻体察读者的审美心理和审美特点。

    To edit the articles liked by acceptors , editors not only improve their own aesthetic culture but also deeply understand readers ' aesthetic psychology and characters .

  7. 这和红枣固有的贫富咸宜的品质有关,也和陕北人枣食工艺的审美修养和红枣崇拜有关。

    This is closely related to its suitability for both the rich and the poor and to the people 's aesthetic culture of processing dates and date worship .

  8. 论述了如何进行非艺术类专业学生的艺术构成教育方法,旨在培养非艺术类专业学生一定程度的形象思维和创新能力,提高审美修养,加强审美意识,掌握一定的造型和设计能力。

    Education methods are discussed on how to teach elementary art knowledge to non-art major students so that they have better modeling and designing ability by improving image thinking , innovative ability and aesthetic appreciation .

  9. 还应该提升教师的职业观,提高教师的审美修养和审美能力,培养教师的教育智慧,使教师能够创造性地解决教育中存在的问题,促进学生自主发展、自主建构。

    So that teachers can resolve the problems in education creatively and help the students self-develop and self-construct To make it true , we should also build a surrounding that can be pregnant with lives and nourish lives .

  10. 在写作行为涉及到的多方面因素中,写作主体的基本建构,包括观察感知、生活体验、学识水平、思想品位和审美修养等诸方面的因素,是写作产品成败得失的根本性、决定性因素。

    Among the many factors concerning writing , the author 's essential qualities , such as observing sense , life experience , the range of knowledge , thought grade , aesthetic ability and so on , are the foundational and decisive ones .

  11. 第三章本文介绍了视觉素养这一概念,并就视觉素养与媒介素养、审美艺术修养的关系进行了阐述。

    Thirdly , giving a definition of visual literacy it states the relationship between visual literacy and media literacy , cultivation of aesthetic .

  12. 文章旨在对工科院校的工业设计专业的教育进行思考、探索,以期培养知识结构完整的具有较高审美艺术修养、文化素质及创新意识的工业设计人才。

    The object of the essay is to think and discuss about the pedagogy of industrial design in colleges of engineering , aiming at cultivating professionals with high academic qualities , integrated knowledge structure , artistic attainments and creative intelligence .

  13. 但是在以往的设计中,设计师对于服装的把握大都依赖于个人的审美经验和修养,由于缺乏一定的理论支撑,对服装视觉中心的认识模糊而笼统,阻碍了设计的顺利进行。

    But in the past , most of designers design clothing is dependent on the individual experience and aesthetic accomplishment , as lack of theoretical support , the design of the garment visual center is vague and uncertain , hinder the smooth progress of the design .

  14. 室内陈设艺术能体现出设计师和使用者的审美观念、文化修养。

    Furnishings , art can reflect the aesthetic ideas of the designers and users of cultural enrichment .

  15. 鉴于此,从大学生个人层面,我们应该提高大学生自我审美能力、增强修养意识。

    In this regard , from college students ' personal level , we should improve their esthetic ability and enhance their awareness of self-cultivation .

  16. 通过学习实用音乐与背景音乐的知识,学会应用到生活当中。追求美、创造美、热爱音乐热爱生活,进一步提高审美能力和艺术修养,熏陶和净化人的心灵。

    This paper elucidate how to apply practical music and background music in ordinary life which promote persons ' aesthetic ability and art culture .

  17. 有利于培养女生的审美情趣和艺术修养;审美价值的实现建立在审美喜悦的基础上,来源于人类共同的自由。

    Fostering aesthetic enjoyment and artistic accomplishment ; The value of aesthetic was established on the aesthetic enjoyment and came from the human common freedom .

  18. “静照”的核心是对艺术美本质的把握,并辐射到艺术的本体和审美主体的人格修养、精神境界等方面;

    The crux of aesthetic serenity is the comprehension of the art aesthetics which is concerned with art itself and spiritual self-cultivation of the subject .

  19. 山水画意境与品格的体现有赖于艺术家在长期的艺术实践中探索与积累,靠艺术家的审美体验、个人修养等方面的提升才能够达到。

    Landscape painting artistic conception and quality of dependent on the long-term art practice and accumulation and artists of the aesthetic appreciation of , individual tutelage and promoted to be able to achieve .

  20. 作文,不仅能反映一个学生的语言运用能力,更能反映其认识能力、审美能力、思想修养和文学艺术修养等。

    The composition can not merely reflect the ability of a student 's language use , can also reflect its ability of cognitive and estheticism , ideological cultivation and literature artistic accomplishment , etc.

  21. 普通高校可以通过开设公共选修课和组织舞蹈社团等形式来对学生进行非职业舞蹈教育,以提高大学生的审美情趣和艺术修养的素质。

    Common institutions of higher education can teach students nonprofessional dance by setting up public elective lesson and organizing dance association , so as to raise university students ' beauty appreciation and art accomplishment .

  22. 音乐教育作为整个教育系统的重要分支,具有提高人们智力、想象力、创造力、审美水平、道德修养等多重功能。

    As an important branch of the whole education system , music education has multiple functions such as the development of human intelligence , imagination , creativity , aesthetic appreciation , and moral education .

  23. 从古代游记散文可以看出中西方古代的旅游文化特征:(1)古代中国人注重审美感受和道德修养,重视审美主体与客体的交融,而不像当时西方那样注重对外部世界的科学考察;

    Chinese ancient travel notes reflect the cultural features in travel : ( 1 ) attaching importance to the harmonious existence between man the subject of beauty appreciation and landscape the object of beauty appreciation , which is in contrast to the westerners ' emphasis on observing the external world ;

  24. 实践是教学美产生的源泉,审美需要是教学美产生的动力,教学目的的要求是产生教学美的依据,而良好的审美修养是教学美产生的条件。

    Practice is the source that produces beauty in teaching . The need for appreciation is the motive force that help produce beauty in teaching . The requirement of teaching aims is the basis for producing beauty in teaching .

  25. 马克思恩格斯认为新闻记者既要有坚定的审美立场,对纷繁复杂的新闻事实进行审美选择,又要具备善于思考、锻造特色的审美能力,并要努力培育勤于钻研、谦虚谨慎的审美修养。

    Marx and Engels believe that a journalist should not only have standing aesthetic stance aiming at making aesthetic choice on the complicated news truths but also have the aesthetic abilities of thinking and characteristic - forging , and foster the aesthetic trainings of diligent study and modesty .