
shěn xùn
  • trial;interrogate;hearing;try;inquest;bring to book
审讯 [shěn xùn]
  • [try;interrogate] 司法机关向诉讼双方查问有关案件的事实

  • 伽利略也因为信仰和传播 哥白尼学说,在一六三三年他已经七十岁的时候,还被审讯。--《哥白尼》

审讯[shěn xùn]
  1. 我们要对这两个嫌疑人单独进行审讯。

    We will interrogate the two suspects separately .

  2. 他们的军队仍有拘留、逮捕和审讯权。

    Their army still have the right to detain , arrest and interrogate .

  3. 在审讯过程中,他始终把自己说成是受害者。

    Throughout the trial , he portrayed himself as the victim .

  4. 在整个审讯过程中他表现得文雅而有尊严。

    He conducted himself with grace and dignity throughout the trial .

  5. 审讯在高度保密下进行。

    The trial was conducted under a blanket of secrecy .

  6. 审讯在全面曝光的情况下进行。

    The trial took place amid a blaze of publicity .

  7. 令人震惊的是他们竟允许进行这项审讯。

    It 's unbelievable that they have permitted this trial to go ahead .

  8. 对报道这次审讯的限制已经撤销。

    Reporting restrictions on the trial have been lifted .

  9. 在整个审讯过程中,他始终沉默以保持尊严。

    Throughout his trial he maintained a dignified silence .

  10. 预料审讯将持续数月之久。

    The trial is predicted to last for months .

  11. 审讯期间他吃尽了苦头。

    He went through hell during the trial .

  12. 新证据呈到庭上后,审讯就宣告暂停。

    The trial was adjourned following the presentation of new evidence to the court .

  13. 审讯后她不得不躲藏了几个星期。

    After the trial , she had to go into hiding for several weeks .

  14. 整个审讯过程中她没掉一滴眼泪。

    She remained dry-eyed throughout the trial .

  15. 明天他们将出庭接受地方法官的审讯。

    They will appear before magistrates tomorrow .

  16. 审讯之前,利兹被描绘成受丈夫操纵的孱弱女子。

    Before the trial Liz had been pictured as a frail woman dominated by her husband .

  17. 审讯无限期延迟。

    The trial was postponed indefinitely .

  18. 审讯时,涌入的人群和安全部队发生冲突。

    Crowds appeared at the arraignments , clashing with security forces .

  19. 这次审讯将得出自杀的结论。

    The inquest will bring in a verdict of suicide .

  20. 草草审讯后这四个人即被处死。

    The four men were killed after a summary trial .

  21. 新的证据表明警方在审讯时撒了谎。

    New evidence showed the police lied at the trial

  22. 这次审讯对她来讲是一次激进化的经历。

    The trial was a radicalizing experience for her .

  23. 为什么审讯一宗欺诈案要花253天时间?

    Why does it take 253 days to try a case of fraud ?

  24. 劫持者向警方自首了,目前警方正在审讯他。

    The hijacker gave himself up to police , who are now questioning him .

  25. 他的任务是在审讯期间保护她。

    He was given the task of protecting her for the duration of the trial

  26. 他否认打过恶作剧电话,但经过一番短暂的审讯后被判有罪。

    He denied making the hoax call but was convicted after a short trial .

  27. 审讯将于8月22日继续进行。

    The trial will resume on August the twenty-second

  28. 在这次审讯中,必须证明两个基本因素:动机和时机。

    In this trial two essential elements must be proven : motive and opportunity .

  29. 这将是一次十分迅速的审讯。

    This would be a very speedy trial

  30. 书中严格规定了审讯17岁以下未成年人时应当遵守的事项。

    There was a firm rubric in the book about what had to be observed when interrogating anyone under seventeen .