
  • 网络operational condition;normal operating condition
  1. 虽然在正常工作条件下,该新结构IGBT工作于穿通状态,但器件仍具有非穿通IGBT(NPT-IGBT)的优良特性。

    Working in a deep punch-through state during its normal operating condition , it still possesses all the characteristics of the robust non-punch-through IGBT ( NPT-IGBT ) .

  2. 液力传动泥浆泵的正常工作条件

    On working normal operating condition of mud pumps with torque converters

  3. 在正常工作条件下具有极低的X射线辐射量,可满足环境保护的要求。

    Under the normal conditions , with low X-ray radiation quantity , the product can meet the requirement of the environment protection .

  4. YB型双作用叶片泵的性能和正常工作条件

    Properties and Normal Work Conditions of YB Type Double Function Vane Pump

  5. 传热模拟的结果表明,通过适当的封装结构设计和封装材料选择,在正常工作条件下,LED芯片的结温可以保持在一个理想的温度。

    Numerical simulation results of heat transfer also show that an ideal junction temperature of the chips can be obtained through appropriate selection of packaging material and structure under general working condition .

  6. 行星滚轮摩擦增减速装置的工作原理及正常工作条件

    The Speed Increasing or Decreasing Planet Rolling-Wheel Friction Drive Device

  7. 正常工作条件下土钉与土层间的摩擦力研究

    Calculation of Friction Force between Soil-Snail and Soil under Normal Working Condition

  8. 正常工作条件,不存在特殊工作要求(如高空、倒班等)。

    Normal working condition . Do not have to work on shift-roster .

  9. 为工作人员创造正常工作条件。

    Provide workers with normal working conditions .

  10. 应用红外热像技术测量电子元件正常工作条件下的表面温度

    Application of Infrared Thermography in Surface Temperature Measurement of Electronic Devices at Normal Operating Conditions

  11. 但正常工作条件下帷幕的安全裕度不大。

    The safety for grouting curtain in Xiaowan has a narrow safety margin under normal operation .

  12. 它有一套安全系统,它可以自动运转,并在超出正常工作条件时立即停止。

    It has a security system that can operate automatically , and beyond the normal working conditions when they stop immediately .

  13. 根据氦氖激光器在正常工作条件下的失效机理,我们选取电流作为本试验的加速应力。

    According to the failure mechanism of He-Ne lasers working under normal conditions , we choose electric current as the accelerated stress of our test .

  14. 运用摩擦学原理提出了轮胎磨损的分类形式,为正确预测正常工作条件下的轮胎磨损率提供了必要的基础知识。

    The wear classifications are presented based on the principle of Tribology , which provide the fundamental knowledge for correctly predicting tire wear rate at normal service conditions .

  15. 采用耦合场分析工具和方法,对双轴微反射镜在正常工作条件下的静电和结构耦合场进行了分析,同时分析了光开关结构的吸合与释放电压。

    With the couple-field analysis tools , the electrostatic-structure couple-field analysis is carried out under normal working conditions and the pull-in voltage and release voltage are also analyzed .

  16. 元件的强制失效实验分析表明,该类元件在正常工作条件下,处于高浓度检测气体气氛中不发生中毒和失效;

    In addition , the forced failure lest indicates that in the normal work conditions and in the ambience , of high concentration gas , this type of sensors was not " poisoned " and failure .

  17. 分析结果显示:正常工作条件下,构件的结构应力水平较低,凸缘小端内外表面的熔合线附近,焊接残余应力水平较高,产生了应力集中现象。

    The results reveal the structure stress of the flange is low in steady-state operation , while welding residual stress levels are high , which caused the stress concentration on the areas near the weld lines .

  18. 根据文丘里管加速降压原理,设计制作了套管形式的冷热风混合加热器,使风机和燃烧器在正常工作条件下输出设计所需温度参数的热态烟气。

    According to the operational principle of venturi-tube , a bushing-type heater for mixing hot and cool gaseous flow is designed in order to make the blower and burner exhaust hot smoke with necessary temperature parameter by the design under normal working condition .

  19. 正常工作条件下,卧式筒的分离效率在31~48%范围内波动,在结构尺寸比例一定的情况下,通过设计操作参数可以达到所需的分离效率;

    Under normal working condition , the collection efficiency for horizontal cyclone separator fluctuates at the range of 31 ~ 48 % , so by changing the operating parameters , the required collection efficiency can be satisfied when keeping with the structure size proportion .

  20. 他说,江苏国美的正常的工作条件。

    He said that Jiangsu GOME normal operating conditions .

  21. 实践表明,安装小孔消声器后,压缩机各性能参数无明显变化,符合正常工作的条件;

    Experience indicates that the compressor performance has no change , answers for compressor normal working .

  22. 摩擦片正常工作的条件之一是其内部温度与工作环境温度差保持动态平衡。

    Keeping dynamic equilibrium of friction sheet internal temperature and working environmental temperature was required to ensure it work normally .

  23. 使用户在不影响正常工作的条件下,保证系统在网络中的基本安全。

    Users can get basic security in the network without influence in their normal work by using this firewall , and its operation is very simple .

  24. 该方法可以在装置正常工作的条件下,进行多次阶跃测试,因而在工程上是比较实用的。

    The notable characteristic of this method is that the multi step test can be done under the normal operation , and that it has strong practicality on the real engineering .

  25. 在其它分系统正常工作的条件下,资源卫星能否准确拍照、中继卫星能否进行星间的链路通信、卫星星座间的相对位置能否保持等,都是由卫星姿态控制系统来保障的。

    When other sub-systems is under normal working conditions , resources satellite can take accurate pictures , relay satellites can communication between others , satellite constellation can maintain the relative position between the other .

  26. 在对现有故障诊断技术进行研究的基础上,根据臭氧发生装置的功能构成和影响整套装置正常工作的条件,论文对装置的可能故障予以了详细分析;

    On the basis of the existing fault diagnosis technology research , the paper gives a detailed analysis of all kinds of possible fault of the device according to the function constitution of the ozone generating device and the condition affecting normal operation of the system .

  27. 短的CP边沿时间,是触发器正常工作的重要条件之一。

    The short CP edge 's time is one of the important conditions for the normal usage of flip-flops .

  28. 稳定是实际系统能否正常工作的前提条件。

    Abstract : Stability is the premise of normal work for practical systems .

  29. 扩频码的捕获和跟踪,是DS/SS系统正常工作的前提条件。

    Synchronization of pseudo noise is a premise condition for DS / SS working normally .

  30. 提出了保证浮环正常工作的平衡条件,并据此给出了浮环轴承的设计准则;

    It also has presented balance conditions of the thrust floating ring and the design criteria .