
  • 网络zheng'an;Cheng-An
  1. 她正安详地做着梦。

    She was dreaming peacefully .

  2. 失踪的小孩现在正安安稳稳地待在家里。

    The missing child is now safely ensconced at home .

  3. 正安县野木瓜产业化发展经营模式的法经济学分析

    Juristic Economics Analysis of Business Mode of Wild Papaya 's Industrialized Development in Zhengan County

  4. 老家伙,趁着鱼正安安静静的时候睡一睡吧。

    Now , to get some sleep , old man , while the fish is calm and steady .

  5. 喀斯特边远农区正安县植烟土壤重金属含量及其特征

    Contents and Its Characters of Heavy Metals with Tobacco-Growing Soils in Zhengan County of Remote Karst Agricultural Area

  6. 我正安安静静地坐着看书,突然从窗外飞来一块石头。4.

    I was sitting quietly reading when all of a sudden a stone came hurling through the window .

  7. 我相信汤姆正安详地溶入这些完美纯爱中。

    I believed that Tom was at peace and in the process of dissolving into wonderful all-love light energy .

  8. 他们是在黄昏时分来到的,看见乔纳森正安安静静地独自在他热爱的天空中滑翔。

    They came in the evening , then , and found Jonathan gliding peaceful and alone through his beloved sky .

  9. 航空航天局正安排使所有航天飞机退役后,专注于发展第二代可飞越低地球轨道的飞机。

    NASA is retiring the shuttles in order to focus on developing the next generation of spacecraft that could go beyond low-Earth-orbit .

  10. 局长给他介绍了自己的同伴,随说,“你也听到了正安的消息么?”

    After the director had introduced him to his companions , he asked ," have you also heard the news about zhengan ?"

  11. 在多个界别的支持下,我们正安排石硖尾一幢空置工厂大厦,发展一所创意艺术中心。

    With the support of various sectors , we are developing a creative arts centre in a vacant factory building in Shek Kip mei .

  12. 桑耶塔说:“这只狗,是我的上帝。”此时,小迪纳卡兰坐在妈妈的脚边,而他身边的塞尔瓦卡兰正安静地睡着。

    " That dog is my God ," said Sangeeta & with Dinakaran sitting on the ground at her feet and Selvakumar sleeping on the warm asphalt next to him .

  13. 一些寻宝者认为这些掠夺品正安睡在奥地利的托普利兹湖中,然而另外一些人则认为它被藏匿在世界各地的银行中。

    Some treasure hunters believe that the plunder is lying at the bottom of Lake Toplitz in Austria , while others suggest that it 's stashed in banks around the world .