
qiū yè
  • autumn night
  1. 时值秋夜,在我的故乡新斯科舍。

    It was an autumn night in my native Nova Scotia .

  2. 《秋夜》:一首含蓄委婉的爱情诗

    Autumn night : an implicit and mild love poem

  3. 在一个美好的秋夜,我们外出野餐。

    On a lovely autumn evening we went out on a picnic .

  4. 一缕清寒在秋夜中飘荡漫步出门,

    A touch of cold in the Autumn night

  5. 在月色如水的秋夜,窗外正在进行着热闹的音乐会。

    Water in the moonlight autumn night , the window being a lively concert .

  6. 失传元杂剧《秋夜蕊珠宫》本事新考

    A New Investigation into the Lost Yuan Zaju Rui Zhu Gong in the Autumn Night

  7. 一个寒冷萧瑟的秋夜,勇敢的人们在巍然站起的地方被打败。

    Brave men were cut down where they stood in the cold crisp autumn night .

  8. 乌云从东方卷来,已经掩盖了大片的秋夜晴空。

    Clouds were rising from the east , and already overcast a part of the heavens .

  9. 《秋夜》的矛盾与奇鹜,历来是研究者解读的重点。

    The contradictions and oddness in Autumn Night have been the key points for researchers to explain .

  10. 21个月前那个隆冬所开始的一切,绝不应在这一个秋夜结束。

    What began 21 months ago in the depths of winter must not end on this autumn night .

  11. 二十一个月之前那个深冬开始的胜利之路,不会在今天这个秋夜止步。

    What began twenty-one months ago in the depths of winter must not end on this autumn night .

  12. 你刹那见不经意的馈赠,像秋夜的流星,在我的身心深初着了火。

    You sudden and negligent gift is , like the meteor in the night of fall , burning in my life .

  13. 你那一刻的随意馈赠,宛如秋夜的流星,在我生命深处点燃了烈火。

    Your careless gifts of a moment , like the meteors of an autumn night , catch fire in the depth of my being .

  14. 可是现在,秋夜却不再浪漫,不再优美,因为没有了蛐蛐和它的伙伴们的演奏。

    But now , autumn night was not romantic , not beautiful , because there is no cricket and its partners in the play .

  15. 欢快的歌词、富有感染力的音符都是夏季音乐的代表,而秋季音乐则带着更多秋夜的氛围。

    Bright lyrics and infectious hooks define the summer music season , while music released in the autumn tends to dabble in the season 's nocturnal vibe .

  16. 一株是枣树,还有一株也是枣树&鲁迅散文诗《秋夜》中的一种特殊语言格式

    One Is a Date Tree , the Other Is a Date Tree , Too " & A unique language form in LU Xun 's " Night of Fall

  17. 论文试从作家的整体思想与情感世界出发,以新角度探索《秋夜》象征形象所蕴含的真正内涵。

    This paper attempts to probe into the genuine connotations of symbolic images in The Autumn Night in the new perspectives of Lu Xun 's holistic thought and emotions .

  18. 鲁迅散文诗《秋夜》开头的两株枣树的写法,长期以来引起人们不断议论。

    The writing method of the two date trees at the beginning of Lu Xun 's prose poem " Night of Fall " has been causing continuous comments for quite a long time .

  19. 在月白风清的秋夜,我们举行篝火晚会。在没有月亮的晴朗的夜晚,避开城市的灯光,观察天空。

    On the autumn night with a bright moon and a gentle breeze , we gave a campfire party . Get away from city lights and look at the sky some clear , moonless night .

  20. 鲁迅的《秋夜》集中描写了两组互相对立的形象:一组是象征中国封建专制主义的天空和为封建专制主义效劳的月亮和星星;

    Lu Xun mainly described two pairs of images that were opposite to each other : one pair was the sky that symbolized Chinese feudal absolutism and the Moon and stars that worked for feudal absolutism ;

  21. 这块水泥台地位于白堤的西端,三面环水,是传统的观赏西湖的地点之一,尤其在满月的秋夜。

    Located at the west end of Bai Causeway , this cement terrace bounded by water on three sides is one of the traditional places to view the West Lake , especially on an autumn night with a full moon .