
  • 网络Autumn grapes;Vitis romaneti
  1. 不同土地利用方式杂草群落相似系数春季各群落间0.3~0.5,秋季玉米地-大豆地、秋葡萄地-弃耕地最高,分别是0.73和0.70;

    In the spring , coefficient of weed community similarity fell between 0.3 and 0.5 ; in the autumn , it reached the highest values of 0.73 and 0.70 for the maize-soybean pair , and vineyard-abandoned agricultural land pair , respectively .

  2. 多样性指数为春、秋季弃耕地最高1.76和1.72,玉米、大豆地次之为1.55和1.52,春、秋葡萄地1.49、1.30,小麦地最低1.12。

    Abandoned agricultural land had the highest diversity index values of 1.76 in the spring and 1.72 in the autumn ; diversity index of corn fields and soybean fields was respectively 1.55 and 1.52 ; for vineyards , this value was 1.49 in the spring and 1.30 in the autumn ;

  3. 不同生长调节剂对新疆秋黑葡萄枝条生长的影响

    Effect of Growth Modulator on Grape Branch Growth