
  1. 况且在这里夫人和秋香姐都对我那么好。

    Anyway , Madam and Miss Chou-heung treat me so nice that .

  2. 秋香愿替唐伯虎受罪,任凭夫人处置。

    I wish to be punished on behalf of Tong !

  3. 既然秋香帮你求情,就免你一死。

    Since Chou-heung ask for mercy , I won 't kill you .

  4. 秋香,我念在你是我最宠爱的丫头。

    Chou-heung , if you were not the maid I like most .

  5. 你是不是非得跟我争秋香不可?!

    Do you want to fight with me for Chou-heung ?

  6. 在这种规则之下,我有可能点秋香吗?

    In such conditions , how can I choose Chou-heung ?

  7. 余匡小姐介绍我为秋香自我。

    I introducing my self as Miss Marina Akika .

  8. 秋香姐,麻烦你帮我磨墨。

    Chou-heung , please bring me the ink .

  9. 秋香,你也来看看!

    Chou-heung , come and have a look !

  10. 秋香姐,幸会幸会,上次的事情我还没向你道谢呢。

    Miss Chou heung , I didn 't have a chance to thank you .

  11. 秋香,你太冲动了!

    Chou-heung , you are too impulsive .

  12. 秋香姐,发生什么事啦?

    Miss Chou-heung , what 's happened ?

  13. 如果在时限之内你不能点中秋香的话,你就算输了。

    If you can 't find Chou-heung in limited time , then you 'll lose .

  14. 夫人,不要!我是想引开那些贼,来救秋香的。

    Don 't ! In fact , I wanted to mislead the thieves to save Chou-heung .

  15. 谢谢你秋香姐。

    Thank you Miss Chou-heung .

  16. 你想娶秋香吗?好,现在我告诉你:休想!

    So you want to marry Qiu Xiang ? Well , here 's my answer : No way !

  17. 那好,我竭尽全力也要把秋香挑出来。

    Fine . I will do my best . I have to find which one is Qiu Xiang .

  18. 老旦蟒的色彩一般只用黄和秋香色,黄色用于太后,秋香色用于老郡主、老诰命夫人。

    The Old Dan python 's color only uses yellow and the olive yellow generally , the yellow uses in the queen mother , the olive yellow uses in the old infanta , always informing assigns madame .