
  1. 将河东地区主秋期降水量分为8个气候片。

    The regions have been divided into 8 zones in accordance with precipitation in the main autumn stage .

  2. 1996年秋期在临安蚕种总场进行县秋用蚕品种比较试验。

    In1996 , the comparison test of silkworm eggs for summer-autumn rearing was conducted in Linan General station of Silkworm Eggs in spring .

  3. 以平凉站为例分析了主秋期降水的时间变化规律和周期性;

    Using the data of Pingliang station , the transformation law and the cyclicity of precipitation during the main autumn stage have been investigated .

  4. 改革开放30年来,我国不但如期实现了两基的奋斗目标,而且自2008年秋期开始,城乡孩子同时享受免费义务教育。

    Thirty years of Reform and opening up , not only China has achieve the goal of the " two basics " on schedule , but also both the urban and rural children enjoy free compulsory education at the beginning of autumn of 2008 .

  5. 在秋浇期呈上升趋势。土壤水渗漏动态与灌溉或降雨关系密切,生育期、秋浇期土壤水渗漏量分别与相应时期的灌水量显著相关。

    The runoff of water was closely related to irrigation or precipitation , the quantity of runoff was significantly related to the irrigation water volume in both the summer and fall irrigation periods .

  6. 本文阐述用微波水分测定仪确定蚕茧含水率的方法,它是用在1983至1984年春、夏、秋三期饲养的同一品种的家蚕茧进行的。

    This paper describes experiments which were carried out to test moisture content in fresh cocoon of the silkworm in rearing seasons of spring , summer and autumn in 1983 and 1984 by microwave moisture instrument .

  7. 卵、若虫(1-5龄)、成虫在1年中有6个较突出的发生高峰期,以秋梢期为全年雌成虫产卵、若虫发生最高峰,夏梢期是成虫羽化全年最高峰。

    There were six significant peaks in the occurrences of its eggs , nymphs ( 1-5 instar ) and adults per year . The egg and nymph occurrences reached the highest peak at the autumn-shoot stage , whereas the eclosion reached its highest peak at the summer-shoot stage .

  8. 叶片Cu、Cd含量变化比根系和新梢滞后,到秋梢生长期才达到最高。

    The change of content of Cu and Cd in leaves lag behind that in roots and shoots . The content of Cu and Cd in leaves get the peak at the period of shoot growth again in autumn .

  9. 秋白菜收获期气象条件及预报模式的研究

    Meteorological factors in the harvesting period of Chinese cabbage and their forecasting model

  10. 稻田免耕新三熟制秋马铃薯播期试验探讨

    Stage ⅲ . Research on autumnal potato seedtime of three ripe system in paddyfield under conservation tillage

  11. 秋莴笋播期与产量最佳拟合曲线研究那么,怎么才能找到最佳的配置组合呢?

    A Study on Best Mimic Curve Between the Sowing Period ard yield of Autumn Asparagus Lettuce So how to find the optimal combination ?

  12. 不同施肥处理对雷竹林土壤养分平衡和竹笋产量的影响秋莴笋播期与产量最佳拟合曲线研究

    Effects of Different Fertilization on Soil Nutrient Balance and Bamboo Shoot Yield of Phyllostachys praecox Stands A Study on Best Mimic Curve Between the Sowing Period ard yield of Autumn Asparagus Lettuce

  13. 本文分析了辽宁省鞍山地区秋白菜收获期气象条件,确定不发生冻害保证率为90%的出现日期为10月28日,前5~10天作为白菜适收期。

    The meteorological factors in the harvesting period of Chinese cabbage in Anshan City were analysed . Before Oct. 28 , the percentage of no occurrence of frost was 90 % and the cabbage should be harvested 5-10 days earlier .

  14. 综合考虑土壤水分含量和地表温度表明,东亚飞蝗秋蝗产卵期和夏蝗孵化期的土壤干湿状况存在明显差异。

    The combined consideration of soil moisture content and the earth 's surface temperature has indicated that there is n obvious difference in soil moisture condition between the time period when fall locust is at oviposition time and the time period when summer locust is at hatching .

  15. 秋甘蓝不同生育期害虫群落特点及防治对策

    Characteristics and Controlling Measures of Pest Community during Growth Period of Autumn Cabbage

  16. 第三阶段是从1919年至1923年,为涵秋小说的转型期。

    The third stage was from 1919 to 1923 . It was the reforming time .

  17. 水分胁迫对秋植花生结荚期同化物运输的影响

    Effect of water stress on the translocation of assimilates during pod development in Autumn Peanut

  18. 2002年秋,上海二期课改进入整体性试验阶段,2005年全面实行新课程和新教材。

    The fall of 2002 , Shanghai second phase curriculum reform into Integrity of the pilot phase . By 2005 , it reached to a full implementation of new curricula and teaching materials .