
  1. 花木栽得疏密有致。

    The flowers and trees are well spaced .

  2. 严疏结合疏密有致&论和谐社会中的刑事法网结构

    Combination of Stiffness and Loose & on Criminal Net Structure in the Harmonious Society

  3. 让平面设计在传达信息的同时,引发观者体察到各种不同美妙的艺术空间意境美、含蓄美和疏密有致的美感。

    While the graphic design is transmitting information , it lets the watchers feel the different artistic conception beauty , connotation beauty , relaxed and circumbendibus beauty .

  4. 总体而言,这两次修改使得条文内容更加科学、结构更加严谨、罪刑更加协调,体现了疏密有致,粗细得当的立法指导思想。

    Overall , the amendments make the article more and more scientific ; make the structure more and more rigid and the crime more and more assort with the punishment .

  5. 使课堂疏密结合、虚实有致、意味深长,实现语文课堂教学与学生生活经验和生命情感的有效联通,进而使得师生在课堂上都能够放飞心灵,舒展灵魂。

    Make the classroom density , and combining to , express volumes , the realization language classroom teaching and students ' life experience emotions effectively Unicom , which makes teachers and students in the classroom will be able to release the soul , by stretching the soul .