
shí qīng
  • azurite
石青 [shí qīng]
  • [azurite] 一种青色颜料

  • 闭之,则右刻山高月小,水落石出,左刻清风徐来,水波不兴,石青糁之。--《虞初新志.魏学洢.核舟记》

石青[shí qīng]
  1. 蓝色颜料为群青、石青(2CuCO3·Cu(OH)2,亦蓝铜矿)、藏青(一种无定形的Fe、Co、Ni的砷化物)、靛青;

    Blue ones , ultramarine , azurite ( 2CUCO_3 · Cu ( OH ) _2 ), dark blue ( an amorphous arsenide of Fe , Co , Ni ), indigo ;

  2. 石青嫂子累极了,便只好坐在那里喘气。

    Then she sat down beside it , panting in exhaustion .

  3. 《石青嫂子》是其短篇小说的代表作之一。

    Mrs. Shi Oing is a representative short story of his .

  4. 黄金常常装饰三种颜色的玛瑙,绿松石青金石。

    Gold was frequently decorated with three colors of cornelian , turquoise lapis lazuli .

  5. 石青嫂子休息了半天,觉得对于栅栏门简直无法可想,同时又想起那汉子说的话;

    After a good rest she realized that there was nothing she could do about the door .

  6. 厚重的云堆慢慢移动,漏出一角石青的天,洒下一片炙人的阳光。

    Thick stack slowly moving clouds , the days of leakage of the iceberg Shiqing , cast a Sunburn the sun .

  7. 石家庄至青岛的308国道、京深高速公路和拟建的石青高速公路穿境而过;

    Shijiazhuang Qingdao to the308 National Highway , Beijing and Shenzhen Expressway Shiqing the proposed highway through the territory and over ;

  8. 石青,1969年生于中国内蒙古。他的艺术创作跨越影像、装置和行为。

    Shi Qing ( b.1969 , Inner Mongolia ) is an artist whose practice spans video , installation and performance art .

  9. 作为2000年之后活跃于北京的后感性艺术家群体的一员,石青对各种艺术媒介和创作方式展开了广泛的实验。

    A member of the Post-Sense Sensibility group of artists active in Beijing in the early2000s , Shi has experimented with a variety of materials and artistic approaches .

  10. 石青设计并制作了四组八个不同的路障,就像战场上或城市道路封锁中常见的那种临时关卡或栅栏一样。

    For this work Shi Qing has designed and built eight different types of road blockades reminiscent of makeshift barriers often found on battlefields or in besieged urban areas .

  11. 箭厂空间荣幸地推出上海艺术家石青的新作《没有什么不被改变》。该艺术项目将持续两个月,在箭厂胡同中的不同地点展开。

    Arrow Factory is pleased to announce Nothing Lasts Forever , a new project by Shanghai-based artist Shi Qing that takes place in various locations throughout Jianchang Hutong over the next two months .

  12. 石青曾参加过国内外一系列双年或三年展,其中包括:第四届釜山双年展(2004年),第二届广州三年展(2005年)和美国圣达菲双年展(2008年)。

    Shi has participated widely in numerous exhibitions China and globally biennials and triennials , among them the4th Busan Biennial ( 2004 ), The2nd Guangzhou Triennial ( 2005 ), and Site Santa Fe ( 2008 ) .

  13. 第二天早上起来,石青嫂子便跑到斜坡上去看,想从菜地里足迹查出是人还是兽来。一切看来都好象有利于实现他的这个计划,现在他依旧在斜坡上奔跑。

    The next morning Mrs. Shi hurried towards the slope , to see whether the tracks left on her vegetable plot were those of animals or men . Everything seemed propitious to the execution of his plan , and the course being a continued descent .