
  • petroleum cracking
  1. 研究沉淀法回收聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料(EPS)的工艺,利用石油裂解副产物为溶剂回收废旧聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料,以废治废,回收利用。

    Processes of recycling the waste foamed polystyrene plastics by precipitation method were studied . The solvent from petroleum cracking by-product is utilized to recycle EPS in order to control pollution .

  2. 双环戊二烯主要来自石油裂解制乙烯副产物的C5馏分和煤炭焦化副产物。

    Dicyclopentadiene ( DCPD ) mostly comes from the C5 fraction of by-product which is produced in the process of preparation of ethylene by petroleum cracking and by-product of the coal-coking process .

  3. 采用管式连续反应器及釜式间歇反应器对石油裂解C5混合原料中的环戊二烯(CPD)进行热二聚,生成双环戊二烯(DCPD)后进行分离。

    Isolation of CPD from C 5 which are side production of oil cracking by means of polymerizing into DCPD in tube continual reactors and kettle batch reactors was studied .

  4. 石油裂解气气相色谱分析的微机处理

    Microcomputer processing of gas chromatographic analysis of petroleum cracking gas

  5. 石油裂解气相产物中痕量砷的冷原子荧光分析

    The trace analysis of arsenic in oil cracking gas phase products by cold atomic fluorescence method

  6. 结果表明:(1)试验用石油裂解副产品是一种高效煤溶剂抽提物质;

    The results show : ( 1 ) the splitted by product of petroleum is an efficient solvent for coal extraction ;

  7. 介绍了生物质乙醇脱水制乙烯的发展现状,并与石油裂解制乙烯进行了比较,阐述了其突出的优点。

    The development condition of biomass ethanol dehydrating to produce ethylene is introduced , giving a comparison with petroleum cracking to ethylene ; its outstanding advantage is also discussed .

  8. 在石油烃类裂解制取乙烯的过程中,有大量的C5馏分产生。

    A large amount of C5 fraction is generated in the ethylene production process with petroleum hydrocarbon cracking .

  9. 甲醇制烯烃反应产物与石油烃裂解产物分布有相似之处,但也具有自身的特殊性。

    The products of MTO are the same with petroleum hydrocarbon cracking product , but they also has their own particularity .

  10. 试验结果说明下行床反应器是一种适合于石油烃类裂解工艺过程的反应器形式。

    The experiment results indicate that the downer reactor is suitable for deep catalytic cracking of heavy oil which needs high severity reaction condition .

  11. 通过新增一套液化石油气裂解原料储运设施工艺系统的优化设计,提高了上海石化2乙烯装置实际生产能力,并减少了裂解原料单耗和乙烯装置能耗。

    Through the new project of optimized design for process system of LPG crack raw material storage and handling facilities the actual capacity of 2 # ethylene plant is increased and energy consumption for crack raw material consumption and for ethylene plant is reduced .

  12. 南四湖表层沉积物中PAHs几乎全部由人类活动产生,源为煤炭燃烧、木材燃烧、石油类高温裂解及油类污染。

    The main sources of these PAHs are produced from incomplete combustion of coal and wood , and petrogenic sources .

  13. 石油烃热裂解反应速率常数估算方法的研究进展

    Research progress in methods for the estimation of rate constants in hydrocarbon pyrolysis

  14. 论重质石油馏分作乙烯裂解原料的技术开发

    Discussion on development of heavy petroleum fractions as feedstocks for ethylene pyrolysis

  15. 石油馏份蒸汽裂解结焦动力学

    Kinetics of Coke Deposition in Steam Pyrolysis of Oil Fractions

  16. 陕北石油秩序蜡油催化裂解工艺研究

    Study on Catalytic Cracking of Wax Oil

  17. 然而,石油资源的日益枯竭、油价的飞涨使得以石油裂解为源头的能源形式面临着严峻挑战。

    However , the exhausting petroleum resource and soaring oil prices make the energy form as petroleum cracking faced severe challenges .