
  1. 织金县HFC双向网络设计方案

    HFC Two-way Net Design Plan in Zhijin

  2. 采用测定近似功指数的简化试验方法,对贵州织金新华磷块岩矿床下矿层含稀土磷矿石的球磨可磨性进行了测定,得到该矿石的功指数约为16.16kWh/t。

    The grindability of ball milling of phosphate ore bearing rare earths was determined by using a simplified test method of determing approximate work index . The work index of the ore was about 16.16kWh/t .

  3. 就品牌创建方面而言,织金竹荪属于政府主导型品牌创建模式。

    Concerning in brand building , belongs to the government-led brand mode .

  4. 贵州省织金磷块岩风化过程中稀土元素迁移性状探讨

    Migrating Mode of REE in Process of Phosphorites Weathering in Zhijin , Guizhou

  5. 贵州织金新华含稀土磷矿床稀土元素地球化学研究

    REE geochemistry of the Xinhua REE-bearing phosphorus deposit , Zhijin county , Guizhou Province

  6. 贵州织金磷矿岩元素地球化学特征

    Element geochemistry of Zhijin phosphorites , guizhou Province

  7. 织金织物和印金织物的沿革及异同

    The Evolution , Similarities and Differences of Weaving Gold Fabric and Printing Gold Fabric

  8. 贵州织金含稀土低品位磷矿综合利用研究

    In the Colligating Utilization of the Low-Grade Phosphate Rare-Earth Ores in Zhijin , Guizhou Province

  9. 贵州省织金矿区晚二叠世晚期潮坪相沉积特征

    Later Late Permian Tidal Flat Facies Sedimentary Features in Zhijin Mining Area , Guizhou Province

  10. 方法在贵州省地氟病重度流行县织金县随机选择轻、中、重地氟病乡镇各1个,再分层为中心区和边缘区。

    Methods Mild , medium and severe fluorosis endemic towns were selected at random in Zhijin County .

  11. 一边肩头潇洒地垂着织金半披风,用一枚翡翠胸针别起。

    A cloth-of-gold half cape was draped casually across one shoulder , fastened with an emerald brooch .

  12. 贵州织金中低品位含稀土磷矿石磨矿试验研究

    Preliminary Study on the Grinding of Medium and Low Grade Rare-earth Containing Phosphate Ore from Zhijin , Guizhou

  13. 织金煤田西南矿区龙潭组、长兴组广泛发育菱铁矿层。

    Siderite is vastly developed in the Longtan , Changxing formations in southwestern mine area , Zhijin coalfield .

  14. 贵州织金煤矿区晚二叠世煤地球化学性质变异的硅质低温热液流体效应

    Geochemical Anomaly of the Late Permian Coal in the Zhijin Coalfield from Guizhou : Influence from Siliceous Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Fluid

  15. 贵州省织金县燃煤型氟病区儿童氟骨症情况调查

    Research on Prevalence State of Children with Skeletal Fluorosis in Burning Coal Endemic Fluorosis in Zhijin County of Guizhou Province

  16. 通过分析贵州织金县某地区磷矿石化学成分,对原矿进行了一系列的反浮选工艺试验研究。

    Phosphate ore of Zhijin phosphate deposit was studied by adopting the reverse flotation technology experiment according to the natures of phosphate ore.

  17. 结论织金县氟斑牙和氟骨症患病情况依然严重,宜采取更加有效的措施加以控制。

    Conclusion Prevalence states of dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis are still serious , more effectual preventive and control measure shall be used .

  18. 结论织金县部分农作物的氟含量超过非病区百色市,是发病区人群发生氟中毒的主要原因。

    Conclusion The fluorine content in some crops in Zhijin county surpassed those in Bose city , it is the major cause of endemic fluorine poisoning .

  19. 简述了激电中梯和激电测深两种物探方法在贵州织金新麦铅锌矿勘探中的综合应用。

    This paper briefly describes the application of the two geophysical prospecting methods-IP intermediate gradient and IP sounding to Xinmai Lead-Zinc Ore in Zhijin County , Guiyang .

  20. 从矿物组成、化学成分等方面论证了利用贵州织金黑色碳质页岩烧制陶粒的可行性并对烧制页岩陶粒的工艺指标进行了讨论。

    This paper demonstrates the feasibility of producing the haydite with Zhijing shale in Guizhou Province from aspects of the mineral composition , and chemical components , etc.

  21. 新华路是贵州省织金县现存最大的一条商业街,同时也是织金旧城贯穿南北的骨干性道路,在织金城的发展历史与现有格局中占有重要的地位。

    As the biggest commercial walking street which though the whole old city from south to north in Zhijin Guizhou , Xinhua Road hand a important station in development history and structure in existence .

  22. 在分析贵州织金新华含稀土磷矿石的化学成分和物相组成的基础上,依次进行了原矿的磨矿性能、重选和浮选试验。

    Based on the analysis of the chemical and mineralogical phase composition of Zhijin Xinhua rare-earth containing phosphorus ore in Guizhou , tests on its grinding property , gravity separation and flotation were made .

  23. 织金含稀土磷矿石浮选及浸出工艺的研究从包头铁矿石还原焙烧磁选尾矿中浮选回收稀土矿物


  24. 本文在对贵州省织金地区含煤岩系进行成因地层分析的基础上,概括出了受潮汐作用影响的三角洲沉积体系的地方性沉积模式和聚煤特征。

    Based on the genetic stratigraphic analysis of coal - bearing strata , in Zhijin county of Guizhou province , the local sedimentary model and coal-accumulating features of tide - modified delta system are established .

  25. 结果表明,织金县的优势是不可更新资源,而经济系统以低质能为主,经济系统对生态系统施加的负担过重。

    The findings showed that the dominance of Zhijin was non-renewable resources , while energy in common was the leading part of economic system , and ecological system bore more and more weight of economic system .

  26. 织金县民族乡义务教育在其民族成分多样化、适龄儿童多、校点分布广等方面颇具欠发达地区的典型性和代表性,有着很强的研究意义。

    The education of zhijin county is famous for its diversity ethnic townships composition , large number of school-age children and wide distribution of schools , etc. So it is a typical and representative case for the study .

  27. 本文从织金织物和印金织物的发展历史入手,主要介绍了两种织物的生产方法和两者的差异,以及对现在的影响。

    This article traces the history of the development of weaving gold fabric and printing gold fabric , and explains the methods of production , the differences between the two fabrics and their influences on today 's life and production .

  28. 织金地区位于黔西晚二叠世陆源碎屑沉积的东北缘,为龙谭型含煤沉积,属障壁&泻湖体系。

    The Zhijing area is located in the northeast margin of the Late Permian terrigenous clastic deposits in western Guizhou province . The Late Permian coal bearing deposits in the area are the Longtan type of one and belong to the barrier lagoon system .

  29. 为探讨黔西北杉木防护林的经营度,从2000年开始,对贵州省织金、纳雍县1991和1992年营造的杉木林进行不同强度的间伐试验。

    The experiment on intermediate cutting of China fir forest of Zhijin and Nayong county established in 1991 and 1992 respectively had been done through different intensities since 2000 in order to explore the management extent of China fir protection forest in northwest of Guizhou .