
zhī ɡōnɡ
  • weaver
  1. 1860年出生于一个织工家庭的巴里于1913年被封为准男爵。

    Born in 1860 , the son of a weaver , Barrie was created a baronet in 1913 .

  2. 随机可配备织工踏板和验布装置;

    Suitable weaver 's platforms and inspection units are available .

  3. 英勇的织工已把人行道变成了他们主人的坟墓。

    Our pave weavershave turned their pavement grave of their slave-owners .

  4. 它会让一些职业消失,从织工到马鞭制造者。

    It can eliminate jobs , from weavers to buggy-whip makers .

  5. 我想知道织工把我的布织的怎么样了。

    I wonder how the weavers are getting along with my cloth .

  6. 你知道在莱索托他们有那些非常出色的织工。

    You know how in Lesotho they have those very fine weavers .

  7. 织工用棕榈叶织成了一顶帽子。

    The weavers made a hat from palm fronds .

  8. 织工A现在你有什么意见吗?

    Are there any new things about clothes today ?

  9. 第三章分析了《织工马南传》中的U型叙事结构。

    The third chapter analyzes in details the U-shaped structure employed in Silas Marner .

  10. 有一天来了两个骗子。他们说他们是织工。

    One day , two rogues , calling themselves weavers , made their appearance .

  11. 他用织工做以弗得的外袍,颜色全是蓝的

    They made the robe of the ephod entirely of blue cloth-the work of a weaver

  12. “我要派诚实的老部长到织工那儿去看看,”皇帝想。

    " I shall send my honest old minister to the weavers ," thought the emperor .

  13. 但是如果织工需要面包,而面包师却不需要衣料,那该如何是好呢?

    But what would a weaver do if he needed bread , and the baker didn 't need cloth ?

  14. 《织工马南传》叙事结构中的这种特点表现出独特的象征意义,主要包括三个方面。

    This characteristic of the narrative structure of Silas Marner has some special symbolical meaning , mainly reflected in three aspects .

  15. “北京图案”反映的是一种独特的民族和传统风格,色彩丰富,坚固耐用,织工精细。

    The " Beijing Design ", reflecting a unique national and traditional style , is colorful and durable with fine workmanship .

  16. 他极力装出和官员们同乐的样了,并赐给两个织工每人一枚奖章。

    He tried hard to pretend to share in the pleasure of his officials and gave each of the weavers a medal .

  17. 一位已辛勤工作二十年的织工弗米尔辛勤地,而且显而易见是一个人单独在工作。

    A person who had plied at the weaver 's trade for 20 years . Vermeer worked painstakingly , and apparently alone .

  18. 当黑线断开,织工就应审视整块织布,他也应检查机杼。

    And when the black thread breaks , the weaver shall look into the whole cloth , and he shall examine the loom also .

  19. “嗯,我们听到您的话真高兴,”两个织工一起说。他们把这些稀有的色彩和花纹描述了一番,还加上些名词儿。

    " We are pleased to hear that ," said the two weavers , and described to him the colours and explained the curious pattern .

  20. 在市场上,你们这些在海上、田间和果园里辛勤劳作的人们,与织工、陶工和采集香料的人们相遇

    When in the market place you toilers of the sea and fields and vineyards meet the weavers and the potters and the gatherers of spices

  21. 他的衣服十分简朴:棕褐色短上衣、米色裤子以及蓝色格子无领品牌衬衣(由孟加拉国织工手工做成)。

    His clothing is simple : a tan-coloured tunic , beige trousers , and a trademark collarless , blue checked shirt , handmade by Bangladeshi weavers .

  22. 《亚当·比德》、《织工马南》和《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》是乔治·爱略特的早期作品,其中包含了丰富的自然描写以及人类活动的描写。

    There are a lot of descriptions about the , relations between human beings and nature in Adam Bede , Silas Marner , and The Mill on the Floss .

  23. 织工可能得先打听出面包师需要什么,或许他需要些柴火,于是织工将衣料与他人交换得到柴火,然后用柴火与面包师交易。

    He might try to find out what the baker did need , perhaps some firewood , and trade cloth to someone else for firewood , then trade that to baker .

  24. 作为自然主义戏剧的代表作,豪普特曼的《织工》从文本和舞台的角度标志着戏剧史的转折。

    As the magnum opus of the naturalism drama , The Weavers of Hauptmann is , from the point of view of the drama and stage , a turn in the theatre history .

  25. 而作为其代表,弗莱提出了《圣经》中运用了U型叙事结构这一原型,成为对《织工马南传》的叙事结构进行研究的切入点。

    As its main representative , Northrop Frye put forward the archetype of U-shaped narrative structure employed in the Bible , providing a new approach to study the narrative structure of Silas Marner .

  26. 由于没有推动和制约它们的本原,这些部分的确不比织工的梭子、作家的笔和牧人的鞭子有更多的用处。

    For indeed there is no more use in these parts without the cause which moves and checks them than in the weaver 's shuttle , and the writer 's pen and the driver 's whip .