
  • 网络fabric analysis;Textile analysis;cloth analysis
  1. 可供织物分析、设计时,方便地查找织物断裂强度及有关参数使用。

    Thechart could be used to make fabric analysis and design easier .

  2. 涂层织物分析前的涂层去除方法

    Composite analysis of polyester / cotton coated fabric

  3. 新颖涤纶纤维开发及其织物性能分析

    Development of novel polyester fiber and analysis of its fabric performance

  4. 羊毛/桑蚕丝混纺织物定量分析方法研究

    Research on Quantitative Analysis Method of Wool / Silk Blend Fabric

  5. 基于图像的织物参数分析与组织结构识别的研究

    Automatic Recognition and Analysis of Fabric Construction and Weave Parameters Based on Image Processing

  6. 基于数学形态学的织物密度分析方法

    Approach to fabric density analysis using mathematic morphology

  7. 织物变形分析的有限元法

    The Finite Element Method in Fabric Deformations Analysis

  8. 快速富里叶变换在织物结构分析中的应用

    Identifying Fabric Structures with Fast Fourier Transform Techniques

  9. 织物组织分析的语音记录

    Voice Input of Fabric Weave Analysis

  10. 并且通过比较两类负离子织物,分析他们之间的异同,特别是对耐洗次数的对负离子浓度的影响。

    Compare with two different type of negative fabric , their performance of concentration stability to washing is studied .

  11. Nomex纤维与棉纤维混纺织物热稳定性分析

    Thermostability Analysis of Nomex-cotton Blended Fabrics

  12. 几种典型织物疵点的分析表明,基于Wold纹理模型和分形理论的分析方法能准确地检测出织物表面的多种疵点。

    After analysing several typical samples , it can be concluded that many fabric defects can be detected with the method combining the Wold - based texture model and fractal theory .

  13. 特细号高密织物上浆工艺分析

    Analyses of Sizing Processing of Super Fine Count High Density Fabric

  14. 经编拉绒织物的工艺分析

    An analysis on the knitting technology of warp knitted raised fabric

  15. 锦涤复合裂片型超细纤维织物性能的分析

    Property Analysis of Fabrics from Polyamide Polyester Lobe-Type Superfine Composite Fibre

  16. 条件分布理论在织物力学因子分析中的应用

    Application of the Conditional Distribution Theory in Mechanical Analysis of Fabrics

  17. 受沿任意方向单向拉伸的织物的屈曲分析

    Buckling Analysis of Woven Fabric Under Uniaxial Tension in Arbitrary Direction

  18. 织物悬垂性能分析及评价体系的建立

    Study on Drape Performance of Fabrics and Establishing of Evaluation System

  19. 双针床经编短毛绒织物的组织分析

    An Analysis on the Construction of Two-needle Bar Short Pile Fabrics

  20. 多梳拉舍尔花边织物来样分析与设计

    Analysis and design of multibar Raschel lace fabric sample

  21. 大豆蛋白纤维/锦纶混纺织物的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of soybean fiber / nylon blended fabric

  22. 复杂组织织物的计算机分析与外观模拟

    Analysis and imitation on compound weaves with computer

  23. 摩擦纺包芯纱织物性能测试分析

    Fabric Properties of Core-spun Yarn with Friction Spinning

  24. 涤纶长丝织物外观疵点分析

    Analysis on the weave faults of polyester filament

  25. 精纺羊毛双层织物性能测试分析

    Test and analysis on the double worsted fabric

  26. 等离子体改性聚酯织物的表面分析

    Analysis of Surface Functional Groups of Poly ( Ethylene Terephalate ) Fabric Treated by Plasma

  27. 无捻纱织物的性能分析

    Analysis of performance of untwisted yarn fabric

  28. 本文提出了一种利用数学形态学进行织物经纬密度分析的新方法。

    This paper presents a new method for fabric density analysis by using the mathematical morphology .

  29. 涤/棉涂层织物纤维成份分析中涂层剂去除方法研究

    Study on Removing of Coating Agents in Fiber Component Analysis of Coated T / C Fabric

  30. 复杂织物的组织分析

    Weave Analysis of Complex Woolen Fabric