
  • 网络textile printing;Fabric Printing
  1. 微胶囊技术及其对织物印花之应用

    Microcapsule Technology and It 's Application to Fabric Printing

  2. 随着织物印花技术的不断发展,单独使用海藻酸钠糊料已不能满足高质量印花的要求。

    With the development of fabric printing technique , application of sodium alginate alone can no longer meet the requirement of high quality printing .

  3. 评价了将液晶(liquidcrystalline,LC)颜料体系和添加剂适当混合以开发新的织物印花工艺概念上的尝试。

    Several conceptual approaches to suitable combinations of liquid crystalline ( LC ) pigment system and additives for creating textile printing processes are evaluated .

  4. 热固型流活性染料在织物印花浆中的拼色和选用

    Colour Matching and Its Selection of Active Dye for Textile Printing

  5. 黄原胶的流变性及在织物印花中的应用

    Rheological property of xanthan gum and its application in disperse dyestuff printing

  6. 对微胶囊技术在织物印花上的应用情况作了介绍。

    Microcapsule technique was used widely in textile printing .

  7. 反相乳液聚合法合成织物印花增稠剂概述

    Preparation of Printing Thickeners for Fabrics by Reverse-Phase Emulsion Polymerization & a Brief Review

  8. 反应性微凝胶的合成及其在织物印花粘合剂中的应用

    The Synthesis of Reactive Microgel and It 's Application on Textile Pigment Printing Binders

  9. 所合成的微凝胶可提高织物印花黏合剂触变性、流平性、膜的机械性能、牢度。

    The application characteristics of reactive microgel in pigment printing binders has been studied .

  10. 网目调织物印花要注意的技术问题

    Technical Points in Textile Halftone Screen Printing

  11. 锦纶织物印花工艺探讨

    Discuss the printing process for nylon fabric

  12. 此外,探讨了改性黄原胶在不同织物印花中的应用。

    In addition , the applications of modified xanthan in various textile printing were studied .

  13. 尼龙织物印花油墨的选择

    Selection for Nylon Textile Calico Printing Ink

  14. 液晶颜料与织物印花

    Liquid crystalline pigments and textile printing

  15. 分散染料常压可染共聚醚酯织物印花性能研究

    Study on the Printing Properties of Copolyether Ester Fabrics Dyed wit Disperse Dyes at Normal Pressure

  16. 锦纶/棉混纺织物印花工艺探讨

    Nylon / Cotton Blends Printing Process

  17. 网目调织物印花

    Textile Halftone Screen Printing

  18. 毛绒类织物印花后高效振荡水洗联合机技术分析

    Technical analysis of the united efficient oscillation washing machine after the printing and dyeing of the plush fabric

  19. 本机适用于棉、麻及其混纺织物印花后的水洗。

    It is applicable to washing after printing of cotton and bast fabrics or their mixtures with man-made fiber .

  20. 随着网版印刷技术的不断发展,彩色阶调织物印花已成为服装装饰的主要方法。

    With the development of screen printing technology , textile halftone printing becomes the main method in garment decora - tion .

  21. 介绍了几种不同的织物印花工艺,如植绒印花工艺、仿拔染印花工艺、升华转移印花工艺等。

    This article introduces several textile printing processes , such as flock printing , pseudo-discharge printing and sublimation transfer printing , etc.

  22. 本文阐述和讨论了前处理及浸渍液对织物印花质量和反应性染料在织物上固着率的影响。

    The influence of fabric pre treatment and impregnation liquor on printing quality and fixation rate of reactive dyes will be presented and discussed here .

  23. 着重对常见几种织物印花感光制版与印花工艺之间关系、感光制版的工艺要点进行具体的叙述和探讨。

    The relationship between sensitizer stencil making and the printing process of some common fabrics is narrated , and the merit of sensitizer stencil making discussed .

  24. 结果表明所提出的方法简单易行,有利于缩短印染周期,节省生产费用,使织物印花从经验型走向数据化与规范化。

    The results indicate that the method is simple and feasible , then printing and dyeing cycle can be shortened , and cost production saving , and make textile printing from experience to digitization and standardization .

  25. 羊绒织物数码印花防渗化性能的研究

    Research of the Digital Printing Performance of Anti-bleeding on Cashmere Fabric

  26. 织物喷墨印花用色素及发展趋势

    The Colorants for Ink-jet Printing on Textile and Their Development Trend

  27. 真丝织物转移印花的工业试验

    The Industrial Test of Transfer Printing for Real Silk Fabrics

  28. 亲水性织物转移印花纸研制及应用初探

    A Research and Application of the Transfer Printing Paper for Hydrophilic Fabrics

  29. 还原染料蚕丝织物拔染印花

    Discharge printing of the real silk fabric with vat dyes

  30. 壳聚糖在羊毛织物喷墨印花中的应用

    Application of chitosan in the inkjet printing of wool fabrics