
zhī wén luó
  • basket whelk
织纹螺[zhī wén luó]
  1. 织纹螺毒力消长及其栖息地环境影响的调查用MATLAB实现三维模拟海螺模型

    Investigation on the Changing of Toxicity of Basket Whelk and Influence on its Living Environment The Simulation of Three-dimentional Whelk Model by Using MATLAB

  2. 方法:收集近年织纹螺中毒资料,对连云港地区织纹螺进行形态学鉴定。应用生物测定法检测螺肉中麻痹性贝类毒素(PSP)含量。

    Methods : With collection of the data of Nassidae food poisoning in recent years , the paper applies the biological determining method to test the content of PSP in the meat of Nassidae .

  3. [方法]1986-2001年对此作了专项监测和调查,织纹螺毒力测定按AOAC关于麻痹性贝类毒素小鼠生物测定法进行。

    [ Methods ] The toxicity of BW and the characteristics of its living environment had been investigated from 1986 to 2001 . The toxicity was tested by mouse bioassay-AOAC method for paralytic shellfish poison .

  4. 宁波市有毒织纹螺地域分布分析

    Investigation on region distribution of poisonous nassarius Sp in Ningbo city

  5. 南海织纹螺属三新纪录(腹足纲,织纹螺科)中国近海刍秣螺亚科的研究(腹足纲,骨螺科)

    Three new records of Nassarius from South China Sea ( gastropoda , nassariidae )

  6. 1977-2000年舟山市织纹螺中毒流行病学特征及毒理学监测结果分析

    Analysis on Epidemiological and Toxicological Characteristics of Nassarius Poisoning in Zhoushan City from 1977 to 2000

  7. 结果:小鼠生物法测定检出有毒织纹螺51份,占总数的32.90%。

    Results : Determined by mouse bioassay , there were 51 poisonous Nassarius Sp , which accounted for 32.90 % .

  8. 前言:目的:分析连云港地区织纹螺食物中毒的流行病学特征,探讨预防织纹螺食物中毒的方法。

    Objective : This paper analyzes both the features of epidemiology of Nassidae food poisoning in Lianyungang area and the methods of prevention .

  9. 建立了液相色谱-质谱法测定织纹螺中河豚毒素的分析方法。

    A method for the determination and analysis of tetrodotoxin ( TTX ) in nassarius using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry ( LC-MS ) has been developed .