
  • 网络weaving method
  1. 这种平面织造方法也适用于其它多种接头织物的织造。

    This plane weaving method can be extended to produce other types of joint preforms .

  2. 介绍了集聚纺用网圈的结构、功能和织造方法,将国产天问公司网圈和进口网圈对比试验后表明,两者的效果非常接近。

    This article introduces structure , function and weaving method of lattice apron for compact spinning .

  3. 分析了三种锥形管状预成型机织物的织造方法。

    Three weaving methods of cone-shaped tubular woven preforms were discussed .

  4. 中国古代织金丝织物织造方法初探

    A Preliminary Approach to the Weaving Methods of Ancient Chinese Gold-Woven Silk Fabrics

  5. 本文研究一种三维机织物的织造方法,分析了所使用织机主要机构的工作原理和织造的工艺过程。

    One weaving method of 3-D fabric is introduced , the working principle of main mechanisms and the technological process of weaving is analysed .

  6. 文章还讨论了不同织造方法对织物导湿性能的影响,并分析了目前世界上几种著名产品的导湿效果。

    The influence of different weaving styles on the moisture conductivity of fabric is also discussed and the moisture conductivity of some commercial products analyzed .

  7. 以T形管道接头预型件为例,讨论了其平面织造方法,这种方法也适用于其他多种接头织物的织造;

    A plane weaving method had been discussed to produce T-joint perform and this method could be extended to weave other types of joint performs .

  8. 但这些织造方法和三维织机多处于手动或半机械状态,而且所得三维织物的质量很难保证。

    Now there gradually appear many weaving methods and 3-D looms in the world , but most of them are manual or half automatic , and the quality is difficult to guarantee .

  9. 本课题主要围绕圆环形仿形缠绕织物进行研究,详细阐述了圆环形织物的生产原理、织物结构均匀设计及织造方法,并完成圆环织物的上机织造。

    The study mainly focused on annular woven fabric for shaping winding , expatiating on weaving theory of annular fabric , design of an even structure , weaving methods and then manufacturing annular fabric s.

  10. 本课题主要在多功能针织横机上对织造方法进行了研究,其技术的推广对提高企业的生产效率和经济效益起着重要的作用。

    This paper is mainly concentrated on research of knitting method on the multi-function flat knitting machine , whose technology 's popularizing have the significant effects in promoting the productivity and economic benefit for the enterprises .

  11. 给出了该织物的织造实现方法,相应的织机不仅需配置电子卷取和电子送经装置,而且还应具有输入纬密变化方式的人机交互接口。

    The loom for weaving this fabric should not only be equipped with the electronic take-up and let-off devices , but also possess the interface of inputting pick density distribution pattern .

  12. 随后提出了在台车上利用现有装备进行强制成圈织造的技改方法。

    A modification for loop forming on the machine by using of existing outfit is introduced eventually .

  13. 本文介绍传统织机织制纤维增强复合材料三维预型件的织造原理、方法及步骤。

    This article demonstrates the methodological principle and the way of design steps of 3 dimensional preforms for fibre reinforced composites on conventional looms .

  14. 浆纱可织性及经纱织造断头率预测方法的研究进展

    A Study on the Weavability of Sized Warp and the Method for Forecasting End Breakage

  15. 毛纺油剂、液蜡和冷浆作为提高织造效率的有效方法已被较广泛采用。

    Oil agent , liquid wax and cold size are widely used for feeding wool yarn as a method of enhancing weave efficiency .

  16. 本方案通过调研喷气织机的织造原理和控制方法,提出了一种喷气织机控制系统的可行性方案,并对主控系统及电子送经电子卷取系统进行了着重介绍。

    By investigating the weaving principle and controlling method of air-jet loom , this program puts up a feasible plan for the air-jet loom controlling system .

  17. 其主要原料来自石油的下游产品&聚酯纤维、聚酰胺纤维、聚乙烯、聚丙烯等,通过织造或非织造的方法制造而成。

    The main raw materials are woven or non-woven by the method made of from the downstream petroleum products ( polyesterfibers , polyamide fibers , polyethylene , polypropylene ) .

  18. 三维机织物的织造技术发展很快,目前国内外已陆续出现多种织造方法和三维织机。

    The weaving techniques of 3-D fabrics develop quickly .