
  • 网络spinning method
  1. 管道纺纱方法的研究

    Study of channel spinning method

  2. 转杯复合纺纱方法

    Rotor Composite Spinning Method

  3. 对于大豆蛋白纤维/棉混纺针织物,只有采用Sirospun纺纱方法对其在干湿两种状态下的抗起毛起球性能有显著提高。

    The fuzzing and pilling property under both dry and wet condition of the treated woven fabrics was improved significantly .

  4. 涡流纺是在喷气纺基础上发展起来的一种纺纱方法,须条经过牵伸直接进入喷嘴,喷嘴中的须条在高速涡流作用下被加捻,其代表机型为日本村田公司的MVS。

    Vortex spinning technology is a new spinning method as a development in air-jet spinning technology . The sliver is drawn directly into the nozzle and twisted under the vortex action of the high-speed air stream in the nozzle .

  5. 羊毛产品轻薄化与新型纺纱方法

    Wool Product Lightening and Thinning and New Spinning Methods

  6. 新型非传统的短纤维直接纺纱方法

    New Unconventional Direct Staple Fiber Yarn Production Process

  7. 一种相对比较新的纺纱方法称为包缠纺纱。

    A relatively new process for making a special type of yam is called coverspun .

  8. 减少纱线毛羽的喷气-环锭纺纱方法的研究

    Jet-ring spinning for reducing yarn hairiness

  9. 随着新设备的开发,新型纺纱方法正在快速增加并投入使用。

    The method of spinning is increasing rapidly in use as new equipment has been developed .

  10. 圆盘式旋流纺纱方法

    Method of disc swirl spinning

  11. 在众多的新型纺纱方法中,转杯纺是最为成熟、发展最快、应用最广的一种。

    The rotor spinning is the ripest , fast developing and most widely used one in new yarn forming methods .

  12. 集聚纺纱方法也称凝聚纺纱方法,它可生产出一种新型的纱线结构,这种结构的形成是由于消除了纺纱三角形。

    The compact or condenser spinning process produces a new yarn structure which results from the elimination of the spinning triangle .

  13. 纺纱方法决定着成纱结构,成纱结构与纱线组成原料又决定了纱线的性能。

    The forming yarn structures depend on their spinning methods and the yarn structures and their fiber properties determine the yarn properties .

  14. 介绍了在转杯纺、空心锭包缠纺、改造的环锭纺上的复合纺纱方法,并对各自的特点及存在问题进行了比较。

    The relevant methods for the complex spinning have been introduced , including rotor spinning , hollow spindle wrap spinning and ring spinning .

  15. 这种纺纱方法可以使用各种短纤维,最理想的短纤维是毛纤维;此外也可以使用各种长丝纱。

    It can use any type of staple fibers , but it is especially desirable for wool , and it uses any type of filament fibers .

  16. 通过合理设计加捻器和工艺参数,采用喷气纺纱方法纺制含麻纤维纱线是可行的。

    The research shows that it is absolutely possible to spin bast-fibre air-jet yarns if the twisting elements are properly designed and the technological parameters are correctly Chosen .

  17. 介绍了目前存在的主要复合纺纱方法,对不同方法的成纱特点和纺纱效果进行了分析。

    This paper introduces the method of integrated composite spinning technology existing at present , and analyses the yarn characteristics and spinning effects of all kinds of this method .

  18. 采用赛络纺纱方法,通过优化捻系数等纺纱工艺参数,确定了成纱的临界捻度,有效改善了成纱的条干均匀度、强度、毛羽等质量指标。

    During the process of spinning , siro spinning was used . Yarn properties including evenness , strength , hairiness were improved greatly by optimizing the manufacturing parameters such as twist factor .

  19. 通过预湿上浆实验,研究了压出回潮率对浆液含固量和粘度的影响,并从纤维种类、纱线号数、纺纱方法等方面分析其对压出回潮率的影响效果。

    In this paper , the effect of the extrudation moisture regain on concentration and viscosity of the size paste is studied , and some factors which influence the extrudation moisture regain are discussed .

  20. 这种纺纱方法由于采用高速涡流辅助罗拉牵伸对纤维进行分离,充分利用了气流对纤维的良好控制,使得纤维具有伸直、平行度好的优点,有利地提高了纱线强度。

    This spinning method utilizes high-speed air-flow to separate the fibers , which make these fibers have better state of straight and more parallel than air-jet spinning , so the yarn strength can be improved more easily .

  21. 文章研究了大豆蛋白纤维与棉纤维混纺纱线的混纺比、纱线捻度及纺纱方法对大豆蛋白纤维/棉混纺针织物在干态和湿态两种状态下起毛起球性能的影响。

    In this paper , the effect of its blending ratio , twist and spinning system on the fuzzing and pilling performance of Soybean Protein fiber / cotton knitted fabric in dry and wet condition are studied .

  22. 对两种不同纺纱方法得到的大豆蛋白纤维纱线的临界捻系数进行了测试与分析,并得到了实际测试曲线的回归方程、回归曲线以及回归曲线的极值。

    The critical twist factors of two sorts of soybean protein yarn made from different manufacture means are tested and analyzed , the corresponding regression equation , regression curve and the maximum of regression curve are concluded .

  23. 介绍了木棉的基本特性,并就成纱质量、纺纱加工方法探讨了木棉纤维的可纺性,最后对木棉纺织产品作了简要介绍。

    This paper introduces the basic characteristics of kapok fiber , discusses its spinnability from two aspect of yarn quality and spinning process method and ended with a brief introduction of the kapok fiber textile products .

  24. 介绍涤纶长丝与Modal包芯纱的纺纱原理、纺纱方法及主要工艺参数,分析Modal纤维的性能特点,并探讨了提高包芯纱质量的措施。

    Introduce the spinning principle , method and main process parameters of Modal / polyester filament composite yarn . Analyze the specific properties of Modal fiber . The measurements to improve the quality of composite yarn are discussed .

  25. 氨纶包芯纱纺纱工艺和操作方法探讨

    Discussion on Yarn Spinning Technology and Operating Method of Polyurethane Corn-spun Yarn

  26. 转杯纺纱属自由端纺纱方法,是目前各种新型纺纱技术中已经工业化推广的一种纺纱新技术。

    As an open-end rotor spinning method , rotor spinning is a new spinning technology , which has gotten widespread industrial application among different new kinds of spinning technology .

  27. 气流纺纱是一种常用的纺纱方法,并且已经取代了一些环锭纺纱设备。

    Rotor spinning is a popular process and has replaced some ring - spinning units .

  28. 目前采用的开端纺纱或叫自由端纺纱的方法有两种:气流纺纱和流体(或空气,或涡流)纺纱。

    Two methods of open - end or break spinning are in use : rotor spinning and fluid or air or vortex systems .

  29. 紧密纺纱是一种新型的纺纱方法,纺制出的纱线又称为“光洁纱”,“光洁纱”具有低毛羽、高强力、高质量、后工序加工方便等特点。

    The yarn produced in this way is called bright yarn , which has many advantages , such as little hairiness , high strength , good quality and it is easy for downstream processing .

  30. 本文提到了Kamp纺纱和碟盘纺纱这二种新的自由端纺纱方法。

    As two new methods of open-end spinning , Heinz Kamp ′ s spinning and Disc spinning are mentioned .