
  • 网络linen cotton
  1. 由于亚麻二粗的品种、产地、生长条件、加工方法和工艺条件均各不相同,导致生产的麻棉在性能等方面的差异,这些因素影响着混纺纱的质量。

    Because they are different in variety , place of origin , growth conditions , processing ways , technology conditions , so these factors lead to the performance difference of linen cotton blended , further influence the quality of yarn .

  2. FD麻棉功能性针织产品的研制

    Development on FD Ramie / Cotton Functional Knitting Fabrics

  3. 本文介绍使用CI鉴别剂对麻/棉混纺纱染色后,区别麻棉纤维,再用计数,量直径和面积,算出麻与棉含量的方法。

    The article introduces the method of using identification agent C1 to dye the ramie / cotton blended yarn or grey fabric in order to distinguish fibre component , and then by counting the number and measuring the diameter , the content of both ramie and cotton is found out .

  4. 麻棉涤竹节弹力牛仔布的设计与工艺

    The Designing and Processing of Ramie / Cotton Slub Spandex Denim

  5. 色织麻棉产品设计与工艺探讨

    Designing and Technical Process Analysing of Yarn-Dyed Ramie / Cotton Fabric

  6. 用纤维外观特征形态结构测定麻棉混纺比

    Determination of Ramie / Cotton Blending Ratio by Fibre Surface Characteristics

  7. 几种麻棉纱结构的研究

    Investigation into Structure of Several Ramie / Cotton Blended Yarns

  8. 红黄麻纤维化学改性及纺麻棉混纺纱

    Study on chemical modification of kenaf fiber and mixed blending with cotton

  9. 运用生物酶整理开发麻棉针织产品

    Developing Linen and Cotton Knitted Products by Means of Biological Finish Technique

  10. 麻棉纱棉结杂质产生机理和控制措施

    Mechanism of creation of flax / cotton yarn neps and the controlling measure

  11. 开发麻棉混纺半线平布的实践

    Practice in Developing Ramie / Cotton Mixed Semi-Thread Fabric

  12. 亚麻、麻棉混纺T恤面料的编织工艺研究

    Knitting Process of T-shirt Fabric from Linen and Linen / cotton Blended Yarn

  13. 苎麻及麻棉混纺织物染整工艺

    Dyeing and Finishing for Ramie and Cotton Blended Fabric

  14. 提高麻棉混纺比测定准确度的方法

    Testing Method of Blending Ratio for Bast Cotton Fabric and its Accuracy Improvement

  15. 麻棉混纺织物的双氧水-尿素漂白工艺

    Tbe Usage of Hydrogen Peroxide-Urea System for Linen / Cotton Blended Fabrics Bleaching

  16. 苎麻长纤纺设备上麻棉混纺纱的介绍

    Method of Spinning Ramie and Cotton Blended Yarn on Long Staple Ramie Equipment

  17. 麻棉交织布染色工艺

    Dyeing Process of Ramie / Cotton Mixture Fabrics

  18. 麻棉性能指标与麻棉混纺纱质量的关系

    The Performance of Flax Tow and Quality of Mixed Yarn of Flax and Cotton

  19. 麻纺及麻棉混纺除尘技术的探讨

    Discussion on the Dust Extraction of Hemp Spinning and Hemp Blended with Cotton Spinning

  20. 麻棉混纺毛巾的开发

    Develop Towel with Ramie / Cotton Blended Yarn

  21. 涤麻、涤麻棉复合长丝织物的染整工艺

    Dyeing and Finishing for Composite Filament Yarn Fabric

  22. 麻棉混纺氨纶包芯竹节纱纺纱工艺探讨

    Discussion on the spinning processing of ramie and cotton blended spandex core-spun slub yarn

  23. 提高麻棉混纺纱线条干水平和品质指标和途径

    Channel of Increasing Bast - cotton Blended Yarn 's Overspun Level and Quality Index

  24. 蚕丝/棉交织物改性有机硅防绉整理研究宽幅麻棉交织物的染整

    Study on the crease proof finish of silk / cotton mixed fabric with reactive polysiloxane

  25. 减少精梳棉结的探索几种麻棉纱结构的研究

    Research on Reducing Combing Nep Investigation into Structure of Several Ramie / Cotton Blended Yarns

  26. 麻棉混纺纱混比偏差的成因及控制措施

    The forming causes and controlling measures of blending ratio error in ramie / cotton blended yarn

  27. 麻棉混纺织物的前处理加工难度大,应用传统的纯棉织物练漂工艺难以达到理想效果。

    Coventional scouring and bleaching technology will not get ideal effect when used to linen / cotton blends .

  28. 阐述苎麻棉双丝双烧高档针织面料的性能及苎麻棉双丝双烧高档针织面料研制主要技术措施。

    This paper introduces property of ramie and cotton top grade knitted fabrics and technical measures are taken for development .

  29. 探讨使用溢流染色机对麻棉织物进行退煮、漂白前处理工艺。

    To study the pretreatment process of desizing , kiering and bleaching on flax / cotton fabric by using Overflow dyeing machine .

  30. 在棉纺设备上纺制麻棉氨纶芯竹节纱将竹节纱技术与包芯纱技术融合在了一起,有其独特的工艺特点。

    It has special technological characters to have a combined spinning of ramie and cotton blended spandex core spun slub yarn on cotton spinning equipment .