
má ɡēn
  • oakum
  1. 植物根腐线虫病的研究&Ⅲ.麻根腐线虫病病原鉴定

    Studies on plant diseases caused by lesion nematodes ⅲ . pathogen identification of ramie root rot disease caused by lesion nematodes

  2. 对贵州苎麻地方品种纤维品质的分析表明,1800支以上的高支数品种较多,其中年收三季麻的根中稍三部位均达到1800支的品种,是较珍贵的麻纺材料。

    The results of analysing fibre quality of local ramie varieties in Guizhou showed that there are a lot of fine quality varieties with 1800 count or over of ramie yarn .

  3. 苎麻是多年生宿根性的草本植物,是我国重要的纺织作物,它主要分为苎麻叶、苎麻麻骨、苎麻根三部分。

    Ramee is perennial of Raton character , a important textile fibers crops in our country , The Ramee is divided into three compartments , ramie leaf , radix boehmeriae , ramie stalk .

  4. 如果试试拔地麻,一天的用量,大约用2-3克拔地麻根或其提取物。

    If you 're trying valerian , the suggested dose for the concentrated form is equal to two to three grams of the root a day .