
  • 网络removing blood stasis;break stasis;removingbloodstasis
  1. 破瘀醒神、化痰消水法治疗急性脑出血临床观察

    The Clinical Observation on the Therapy Removing Blood Stasis , Removing Phlegm and Clearing away Water for Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage

  2. 破瘀涤痰法在出血性中风中的应用

    Clinical Application of Stasis-Breaking and Phlegm-Resolving Therapy in Treating Hemorrhagic Stroke

  3. 针刺加破瘀通经法治疗缺血性中风500例

    Clinical Observation on 500 Cases of Ischemic Apoplexy Treated with Acupuncture and Principle

  4. 活血破瘀中药促进腹腔吸收的实验研究

    Study of the Effects of Huo Xue Po Yu Herbs on the Absorption of Abdominal Cavity

  5. 补气破瘀法治疗D-二聚体、血脂异常的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of D Dimer and Lipid Abnormality Treated by the Method to Tonify Qi and Break Stagnation

  6. 结论:破瘀通络汤治疗本病的作用机理可能与调节机体免疫功能、减轻脑细胞损害有关。

    It is suggested that the regulation of immune function and the reduction of brain cell damage may be the mechanism of PTD for ACI .

  7. 方法:应用大鼠急性化脓性腹膜炎模型,用活血破瘀及清热解毒等中药进行治疗,并观察中药对伊文思兰标记的同种血浆白蛋白腹腔吸收的影响。

    Methods : Treating acute suppurative peritonitis of the rat model by using Huo Xue Po Yu and Qing Re Jie Du herbs to observe their influence on the absorption of Evans blue labelled homologous albumin .

  8. 破血下瘀法治疗胸、腰椎压缩性骨折并发症32例

    Effects of expelling blood stasis therapy on vertebral compression fracture

  9. 胸椎;腰椎;骨折;中草药;破血下瘀法。

    Thoracic vertebra ; Lumbar vertebra ; Fracture ; Herbs ; Activating blood stagnation and expelling blood stasis .

  10. 活化的重组因子Ⅶ给中医破血逐瘀法治疗急性脑出血带来的挑战和思考

    Thinking and Challenge Induced by the Hypothesis of Breaking Stagnant and Eliminating Blood Stasis in Treating Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage by rF ⅶ a

  11. 活(破)血逐瘀法治疗真性红细胞增多症疗效观察及其机理探讨

    Activating Blood Circulation and Removing Stasis in Treating Polycythemia Vera : Clinical Observation and Therapeutical Mechanism