
  1. 为了研究药型罩对聚能射流破甲威力的影响,利用LS-DYNA动力有限元计算程序对聚能射流形成过程进行了数值模拟。

    In order to study the effects of liner on shaped charge jet , the process of it has been numerically simulated with LS-DYNA dynamic finite element procedure . In addition , the effects of liner on velocity of shaped charge jet are studied by numerical simulation method .

  2. 这种改进大大增加了有效射流长度,可使聚能装药的破甲威力大幅度提高。

    Through these design ways , the valid length of jet and the penetration power of shaped charge were improved evidently .

  3. 实验结果表明,贫铀中的碳含量对射流性能起着非常重要的作用,随着碳含量的增加,静破甲威力下降十分显著。

    The results of these tests indicate that impurity carbon have an important influence on the behavior of depleted uranium shaped charge jet .

  4. 晶粒度越细小,越有利于增加有效连续射流长度,推迟了射流断裂时间,提高了静破甲威力水平。

    The more fine grain size becomes , the more long the effective continuous jet length would become so that break-up time of jet would delay and power of static armor-piercing power would increase .

  5. 应用爆轰理论和聚能破甲威力经验公式,对聚能破甲威力,空中爆炸,水中爆炸和破片杀伤作用等做了计算。

    The calculation of armor-penetrating effectiveness and explosion in the air and underwater burst and fragment effect have been carried out in accordance with the detonation theory and empiric formula for calculation the armor-penetrating effectiveness of shaped charge warhead .

  6. 某型破甲弹动态威力数值模拟

    Numerical Simulations of Dynamic Power for A HEAT

  7. 本文最后通过正交试验的方法,研究了影响药型罩性能的因素中,壁厚差是影响药型罩性能最主要的因素,壁厚差大小对破甲侵彻威力具有决定性作用。

    The article has studied the factors which influence liner property through the method orthogonal test finally . It has shown that wall thickness tolerance is the most primary factor affecting liner property , playing a decisive role in the armor-piercing penetration power .

  8. 研究结果表明,药型罩晶粒度、同轴度、壁厚差等对破甲弹的破甲威力具有重要影响。

    The study results have shown the influence of the grain size , coaxiality and wall thickness tolerance of liner on armor-piercing power of HEAA shell .

  9. 该项技术在各种破甲战斗部中推广应用,可大幅提高破甲威力。

    Using this technology in shaped charge warhead will greatly improve the penetration power .

  10. 本方法可以用于预报聚能装药的射流参数及破甲性能,也可以用来分析各种装药参数对破甲威力的影响。

    The approach may be used to predict jet parameters of shaped charge and penetration performences , and to estimate the effect of the configuration of shaped charge on penetration .