
  1. 最后通过战术想定,阐述了兵力分配模型在战役工程保障指挥中的应用方法和过程。

    Finally , through a tactical scenario , this paper introduced the applied methods and process of the model of troop allocation in commanding battle engineering support .

  2. 探讨了弹簧系数在不同气囊参数下的变化规律,为其在工程保障中的应用打下基础。

    The law of spring coefficient variation in different parameters of the gasbag is explored , which lays a foundation for the application of gasbags to engineering support .

  3. 一种RING结构的工程保障任务并行调度方法

    A Dependent Tasks Parallel Scheduling Method Based on Ring Topology in Engineering Guarantee

  4. 广域网上设计和部署MPLS流量工程保障QoS的研究

    Design and Deployment of MPLS Traffic Engineering to Ensure QoS in WAN

  5. 基于HLA的工程保障仿真系统中的数据记录成员设计

    The Design of Data Recorder of The Engineer Simulation System Based on HLA

  6. 为有效促进渡河工程保障侦察手段的改进和侦察装备的发展,综合运用实时动态定位GPS-RTK(RealTimeKinematic)、超声波测深和数字测图等技术实现数字化江河测量。

    To improve and develop the method and equipment of river-crossing reconnaissance , digital river surveying was implemented with GPS-RTK ( real time kinematic ), ultrasonic sounding , and digital mapping technology .

  7. 在对MPLS-TLS操作进行研究的基础上,给出了MPLS的TLS服务实现的方法,从而为MPS提供了具有QoS和流量工程保障的TLS服务。

    This paper is research the operation of MPLS-TLS , put forward implemented TLS of MPLS service method . Offer TLS service with QoS and traffic engineering guarantee for MPS .

  8. 作战工程保障决策支持系统分析和设计

    Analysis and Design of Combat Engineering Support Decision Support Systems

  9. “解乘数法”用于求解工程保障组织数学模型,计算简便,结果直观。

    The dividing-multiplicator method can easily attain the model with intuitionistic results .

  10. 机动工程保障力度的物元评价模型

    Matter-element Model on Evaluation About Strength of Mobile Engineering Guarantee

  11. 实施农业清洁生产工程保障食品安全

    Implementing the Agricultural Clean - process Project to Ensure the Safety of Foodstuff

  12. 医学工程保障中的质量控制的研究

    Study On the Quality Control in Medical Engineering

  13. 信息化条件下防精确打击的策略阵地目标防精确打击工程保障效能分析

    Countermeasure against precision strike in information warfare Efficiency of Ensuring Engineering Against Accurate Attacking

  14. 工程保障决策支持系统分析

    System Analysis on the Engineering Support Decision Support

  15. 医疗设备管理包括使用管理、采购管理和医学工程保障管理。

    Medical equipment management including use management , purchase management and medicine engineer support management .

  16. 国防交通铁路工程保障指挥决策专家系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Command Decision Making Expert System for Defence Traffic Railway Engineering Security

  17. 平战结合做好战时铁路工程保障准备&浅谈有关铁路国防交通工程保障的几个问题

    Do a Good Job of the Security Preparedness of Railway Engineering during War Time by Combining Our Work at Peace Time with the Preparedness against War

  18. 本文介绍了两栖师登岛作战工程保障仿真联邦工程兵作业环境成员仿真模型的设计方法。

    The design way of a simulation model for the engineering work environment federate used in " the terraqueous division landing island battle federation " is introduced in this paper .

  19. 该系统的实现,对于提高我军渡河工程保障自动化指挥和作业水平,进一步完善渡河工程资料的作战准备都具有十分重要的意义。

    There is no doubt that this system has crucial significance to improve the army 's commanding level and to prepare the information of accrossing river for us in the future war .

  20. 论文通过道路设计及交通工程保障技术等方面的研究,提出了对高速公路道路设施常见的安全隐患进行优化设计的方法。

    At the same time , though studying road design and traffic engineering support technology and other aspects , the text propose the optimize design method of highway road infrastructure common safety hazards .

  21. 最后,通过某团遂行某次渡河工程保障实例,进行了风险分析,提出了风险控制对策,来说明论文研究的价值和意义。

    Finally , through an example of a particular pontoon regiment carries out river-crossing engineering support , this paper conducts a risk analysis , puts forward the risk control measures , shows the value and significance .

  22. 现代战争中,战役工程保障在隐蔽战役部署、提高野战生存能力、确保战场快速机动等方面发挥着重要作用,是夺取联合战役胜利的重要保证。

    In the modern warfare , the battle engineering support plays an important role in concealing battle deployment , enhancing viability of the troops in battlefield , ensuring rapid action in battlefield , etc. It is an important assurance to win in joint operations .

  23. 在新的时期,仅从有关铁路国防交通工程保障的角度,重点探讨路网建设、战备科研、骨干培训等问题。

    From the angle of the railway traffic engineering security for national defense in the new period , the paper emphatically deals with such problems as the construction of our railway network , scientific research into the preparedness against war and cadres training , etc.

  24. 基于D-S证据理论的工程实践保障能力的评估

    The Assessment of Support Capability for Engineering Practice by D-S Evidential Theory

  25. 基于WAA算子和CWAA算子的工程装备保障系统信息化评判

    Informationalization Appraising of Engineering Equipment Support System Based on WAA and CWAA

  26. 提出了基于D-S证据理论的工程实践保障能力的评估方法,通过对证据之间冲突程度的计算,分析教师的工程能力、实验基地和组织管理能力各指标之间的相互支持和协调程度。

    The paper presents a method to assess the support capability for engineering practice by D-S evidential theory . The method can analyze the mutually supportive and coordinative level between teachers ' engineering practice capability , experiment equipments and managing capability by calculating the evidence 's conflict level .

  27. 中国对外承包工程法律保障初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Legal Protection of Chinese Contracting Foreign Projects

  28. 长距离净水管道工程水质保障中应注意的几个问题

    Problems of Water Safety of Long Pipe Project for Drinking Water Conveyance

  29. 浅谈公路工程抢修保障队伍整组

    The Reorganization of Highway Engineering Rush - repair Guarantee Ranks

  30. 对我国速丰林工程建设保障措施的思考

    Considerations on the Status and Measures of Fast-growing and High-yielding Plantation in China