
  1. 通过对目前世界上典型的4种煤气化工艺建设的大型IGCC工业示范装置的技术经济指标比较,对建设IGCC工程煤气化工艺的选择提出了建议。

    Through comparison of technical economic indexes with present four typical kinds of coal gasification processes in the world in large sized IGCC industrial demonstrative devices , suggestion was made for selection of constructing the IGCC engineering coal gasification technology .

  2. 这些数据为热解液化工业示范装置的设计提供了依据。

    These data has provided the basis for industry demonstration of the pyrolytic liquefaction .

  3. 一套应用该组合工艺建立的间二甲苯工业示范装置已正常运转3年,产品间二甲苯纯度始终大于99%,收率在90%以上。还简要地介绍了间二甲苯几种下游产品的开发应用及市场概况。

    A demonstration unit of the said integration process has successfully running 3 years , the purity of m xylene exceeded 99 % with a yield more than 99 % .

  4. 经多次试验和改造,已建成10万吨/年工业示范装置,通过生产实践和操作参数调整,摸索出一套完整的数据,生产出合格的三苯产品,达到设计要求。

    By many experiment and transformation , have established 100 × 10 ~ 4 t / a industrial demonstration installation . Through producing , practice and operating parameter are adjusted , grope a set of complete data .

  5. 文章重点叙述了三个污染源治理过程的详细情况,并列出11种行之有效并已建成工业规模示范装置的燃煤脱硫技术,可供选择。

    The detailed circumstances in control of SO 2 emission are described and 11 desulphurization processes which have proved effective and have had full technical scale demonstration plants are presented .