
  • 网络separator;separation device;separating equipment;sorting device
  1. 辽海滩海地区油田高效油水分离装置的研制

    Development of high efficiency oil-water separator for Liaohe tidal zone oilfield

  2. 海上采油油轮增设油气分离装置的探讨

    Discussion on Additionally Install of Oil-gas Separator on Offshore Oil Tanker

  3. C4分离装置萃取剂再生系统的改造及应用

    Modification and Application of Extraction Solvent Regeneration System in C_4 Separation Unit

  4. 催化铁内电解反应床对水中酸性红B的脱色研究搓牙机铁屑分离装置

    Study on decolorization of acidic red B from water by catalyzed iron inner electrolysis reaction bed

  5. 天然气深冷分离装置中CO2的冻结计算

    Freezing Calculation of CO_2 in Natural Gas Deep Refrigerating Separation Equipment

  6. 低温甲醇洗工况对CO分离装置的影响

    Effect of Conditions of Low-Temperature Methanol Wash on CO Separation Unit

  7. CO分离装置的技改措施

    Technical Renovation Measures for CO Separation Unit

  8. 煤粉浓淡分离装置的数值试验(CAT)研究

    Study of Computer Aided Test ( CAT ) for the Dense / Sparse Pulverized Coal Separator

  9. 介绍了CO分离装置在运行过程中发生的问题及采取的技改措施。

    A presentation is given of the troubles in the operation of the CO separation unit and the technical renovation measures taken .

  10. 结果显示:如果镇海炼化新增加一套12kNm~3/h的膜分离装置,并调整氢气提纯流程和氢气供应流程,网络操作费用可以进一步降低,每年还可以节省4937万元。

    Result shows that the whole cost can be reduced by 49.37 million per year further if increasing an additional capacity of 12kNm3 / h for Membrane separation .

  11. 日本JGC公司B块轻烃分离装置转产改造研究

    Improvement Research on B Block Lighter Hydrocarbons Seperation Equipment Transition of Japanese JGC Corporation

  12. 气体分离装置的技术改造ADV系列浮阀塔板的开发与工业应用

    Application in the Gas Separation Unit of ADV Floating Valve Trays

  13. NGL深冷分离装置的火用分析方法及应用

    Exergy analysis and application for NGL cryogenic separation plant

  14. 就影响浓淡比和风量分配的结构因素进行实验、分析,为优化PM型燃烧器浓粉分离装置的结构尺寸作了初步尝试。

    The structure factors which effect the concentrated-thin ratio and air quantity distribution in steam are analyzed . Helpful conclusion on utilizing the separator structure of PM burners is presented .

  15. 通过采取不同的接线方式和测量方法对氢同位素分离装置信号调理系统(SRS)进行对比实验。

    The comparison experiments of signals regulation system of hydrogen isotope separation unit by using different link-wire ways and measurement methods are studied .

  16. 以丁二烯分离装置为对象,对热偶精馏TCS-R用于非理想体系的操作特性和节能效果进行了模拟分析与研究。

    With the butadiene separation unit as an example , the operational performance and the energy saving effects of the thermally coupled distillation TCS-R , was analyzed for the nonideal system .

  17. 以牛血清白蛋白(BAS)和牛血清红蛋白(HG)为物系,在制备型高效液相色谱(HPLC)分离装置上,考察了柱尺寸对柱效和分离度的影响。

    The effect of column dimension on column efficiency and resolution was investigated by using the preparative HPLC with the mixture of bovine serum albumin and bovine blood hemoglobin .

  18. 泡沫分离装置出水口比进水口的NH4~+-N、NO2~&N和COD分别降低42.45%、24.71%、11.00%,能明显提高出水pH和DO;

    The foam-separator device could reduce NH4 + - N by 42.45 % , NO2 N by 24.72 % , COD by 11.00 % ; raise pH and DO in the water through the device .

  19. 确定了吸附剂的生产指标;使其工业产品在广东湛江4000t/a果糖分离装置上得到了良好的应用效果。

    Production quota of adsorbent was defined , and good results was given in industrial installation .

  20. 利用高压水合物分离装置,在不同的温度、压力及液体流量下,分别测定了H2、CH4二元混合物与水合物促进剂进行水合反应时分离效果随时间的变化。

    A set of high-pressure hydrate separation equipment was used to study , the separation efficiency for CH4 + H2 gas mixtures were measured at different temperature , pressure and liquid flow rate .

  21. SISAK快化分离装置控制系统的研制

    Establishment of Control System in Fast Chemical Separation Device Using SISAK

  22. 给出了低温系统或低温液化分离装置中多股流板翅换热器的基本简化分解结构、QT图算法、确定最小温差所处位置的数值方法。

    The numerical methods for figure Q T and searching the place of Δ t min for multi flow plate fin heat exchangers in low temperature was described and used to develop a cryogenic system .

  23. 氩的生产使用空气分离装置(ASU),通过大气的液化和连续低温蒸馏分离出氩。

    Argon is produced by an air separation unit ( ASU ) through the liquefaction of atmospheric air and separation of the argon by continuous cryogenic distillation .

  24. SISAK快速化学分离装置的建立

    Establishment of fast chemical separation using SISAK

  25. EPS是一种高效油水分离装置,它具有处理效率高、适用范围广、易清洗维护、便于操作、处理费用低等特点。

    Egg Shape Plate Separator ( EPS ) is a kind of oil water separators , which has advantages of high removal efficiency , large removal capacity and easy to operate and maintain , also the operating expense is low .

  26. 本文还对齐鲁C5馏份分离装置在设计和操作过程中,可能遇到的技术难点进行了分析研究,并提出了技术改进措施,同时对二期工程项目的建设提出了设想和建议。

    The difficult points of technology in designing and operation was also studied , and the improvement was pointed out . This paper also put forward suggestions on utilization of cracked C5 in QiLu .

  27. 为研究中能重离子轰击天然Pb厚靶生成的较短寿命的Hg同位素产物,研制成功一套带有跑兔系统的气相热色谱分离装置。

    In order to carry out the investigations on the short life Hg isotopes produced by the intermediate energy heavy ion reactions with a natural Pb thick target , on line molten lead target gas thermochromatography separation apparatus with a rabbit system has been designed .

  28. 然后着重论述了真空式油水分离装置试验样机的工作原理和设计上的特点。样机按国际海事组织(IMO)A393(X)决议案中推荐的油水分离器试验规程进行了试验室试验。

    Then it puts stress on explaining the working principle and design features of the experimental prototype of the vaccum oily water separating equipment which is tested in laboratory in accordance with the testing rules for oily water separator recommended by IMO resolution A396 ( X ) .

  29. 基于JX-300X构成的3200m3/h空气分离装置自动控制系统,重点阐述了压缩机的防喘振控制方案和分子筛吸附顺序控制方案。

    Based on introducing 3200 m3 air separation automatic control system constituted by JX-300X , the plans of anti-surge control of compressor and adsorption sequence control of molecular sieve were elaborated .

  30. 应用HYSIM软件建立并模拟了以重整二甲苯塔底重芳烃为原料的偏三甲苯分离装置的工艺流程。

    Raw material used for 1.2.4 - trimethylbenzene separation plant in which heavy aromatics hydrocarbons come from the bottom of reformation dimethylbenzene tower has been established and simulated .