
  • 网络divide and conquer;divide-and-conquer;divide and conquer algorithm;divide-and-conquer algorithm
  1. 赛程问题分治算法

    Divide and Conquer Algorithm on the Calendar Problems of the Round Robin

  2. 关于对称三对角矩阵特征值问题,本文提出一种新的分治算法。

    This paper presents a new divide and conquer algorithm for the eigenvalue problem of symmetric tridiagonal matrices .

  3. 基于分治算法的ECC乘法器结构及实现

    Architecture and Implementation of Multiplier Suitable for ECC Based on Divided Algorithm

  4. 基链分治算法与Voronoi区的面积计算定理研究

    The Main-Chain Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm and the Area Computation Lemma for Voronoi Cell

  5. 基于分治算法构建Delaunay三角网的研究

    Study on Divide-and-conquer Algorithm of Generating Delaunay Triangulation

  6. 研究一种快速构建Delaunay三角网的算法,该算法结合逐点插入算法和分治算法,具有建网速度快、耗费空间小的优点。

    In this paper , an algorithm for fast constructing Delaunay triangulation is presented . This algorithm takes the advantages of incremental insertion algorithm and divide conquer , and has the advantages of high efficiency and small space .

  7. 基于一般曲线多边形Voronoi图的面向对象数据结构,提出了一种改进的Voronoi图生成算法&基链分治算法。

    Based on the object oriented data structure of Voronoi diagram for normal curvilinear polygon , an improved Divide and Conquer algorithm is presented in this paper for Voronoi diagram generation called Main Chain Divide and Conquer algorithm .

  8. 介绍一种双向分块快速Delaunay平面剖分算法,该算法有别于其他的分治算法,其特点是运算速度快,时间度为O(Nlog2N),算法易于理解和实现。

    This paper introduces a speeding double direction marking block Algorithm for Delaunay Triangulation . Differing from other Algorithm , its characteristics is speediness of calculating , having time degree for O ( Nlog2N ) and easy realization of the designs .

  9. 介绍了求解子集和问题的一个分治算法。

    We introduce a new algorithm for subset sum problem .

  10. 计算广义实对称三对角矩阵特征值问题的分治算法

    The Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Generalized Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenvalue Problems

  11. 矩阵求逆的迭代分治算法

    An Iterative Dividing and Conquering Algorithm for Inverse Matrix

  12. 求解对称带状广义特征值问题的扩展分治算法

    An Extended Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Solving Real Symmetric Band Generalized Eigenvalue Problem

  13. 基于分治算法的选择问题研究

    Research on Selection Problem Divide and Conquer Algorithm

  14. 分治算法在大规模学校排课中的应用

    Sub-rule Algorithm Timetable Application in Large-scale School

  15. 好了,二分搜索也许是,最简单的分治算法,这意味着什么?

    Binary search is perhaps the simplest of the divide and conquer algorithms , and what does that mean ?

  16. 分治算法由于大量使用递归算法,当数据量很大时,对计算机要求较高。

    Divide-and-conquer method due to the high use of recursive algorithm , the tremendous volume of data , the computer more powerful .

  17. 该算法针对逐点插入算法和分治算法的优缺点,取长补短,既不会深度递归,占用大量内存,又有较好的时间效率。

    This algorithm takes the advantage of the incremental insertion algorithm and the divide-conquer algorithm , and has high efficiency and small space cost .

  18. 文中在分析已有算法的基础上,提出利用分治算法实现平面散乱点三角剖分。

    In this paper , analyse the existed algorithms and put forward the method to make use of divide algorithm to realize plane scattered data triangulation .

  19. 因为适合用分治算法解决的问题,最好是能够简单的将问题进行分解,并且合并的过程不是非常的复杂,只要比线性方案要小。

    So things that are good candidates for divide And conquer are problems where it 's easy to figure out how to divide down , and the combination is of little complexity .

  20. 在回顾和分析以往的经典算法的基础上,改进了逐点插入算法并同分治算法相结合形成了一种具有建网快,耗费空间小的合成算法。

    As recollected and analysed some classical arithmetic , I ameliorate point by point insertion algorithm and make it unite with divide and conquer delaunay triangulation algorithm , which is become a compositive algorithm which has excellence of constructing rapidly and using small space .

  21. Gray码的分治构造算法

    Divide - and - conquer algorithm to generate gray code

  22. Gray码的分治构造算法40分;

    Divide-and-conquer algorithm to generate gray code , 40 mins .

  23. 最后得出了用分治术设计算法的一个基本原则。

    At last , a fundamental principle of efficient algorithm design by divide-and-conquer technique is established .

  24. 基于多策略优化的分治多层聚类算法的话题发现研究

    The Study of Topic Detection Based on Algorithm of Division and Multi-level Clustering with Multi-strategy Optimization

  25. 基于分治策略的MASK算法的改进

    A improved MASK algorithm by using divide and conquer strategy

  26. LSS-DCA:一个快速的分治多序列对齐算法

    LSS-DCA : A Fast Multiple Sequence Alignment with Divide-and-conquer Algorithm

  27. 数据结构中基于分治策略的排序算法探讨

    The Sorting Algorithm of the Data Structure on the Divide - and - conquer Technique

  28. 讲述了排序算法中分治法的应用策略,然后对各种排序算法的效率进行了分析和比较,得到了采用分治策略的排序算法是最有效的算法。

    In this essay , the strategy of the dividing and conquering method on sorting algorithm is discussed . By analysing and comparing the efficiency of various sorting algorithms , we find that the sorting algorithms of using , the dividing and conquering method , are the most efficient .