
  • 网络john the baptist;Saint John the Baptist
  1. 首先我们可能要问:施洗约翰为什么会被关在监狱?

    Why was John in prison in the first place we may ask ?

  2. 他听见施洗约翰说出以色列人一直在等候的话:「看哪,神的羔羊!」

    He heard the words Israel had waited for ," Look , the Lamb of God " .

  3. 再没有其他经文用「火」来形容圣灵,惟独施洗约翰曾经指出,基督将会用「火」给人施洗。

    This does not seem to have ever been repeated on any other occasion yet one of the first statements of John the Baptist was that Christ would'baptise'with fire .

  4. 在《马太福音》第三章第12节中,施洗约翰说道:“他手里拿着簸箕,要扬净麦场,把麦子收进仓里,却用不灭的火将糠秕烧尽。”

    In Matthew 3:12 , John the Baptist says , " His winnowing fork is in his hand , and he will clear his threshing floor , gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire . "