
  • 网络Meibomian Gland Dysfunction
  1. 绝经后,雌激素水平下降,内皮细胞功能障碍,ET和NO分泌失调,破骨细胞活性增强,骨吸收增加,骨密度下降,从而形成骨质疏松症。

    Estrogen level descent , endothelial cell dysfunction , ET and NO dyssecretosis , osteoclasts activity enhancement , bone absorption increase and BMD descent in postmenopausal women may cause osteoporosis .

  2. 结论:甘草对大鼠胃动力有抑制作用,这种抑制作用可能与其引起5HT、SP、VIP分泌失调有关。

    Conclusion Glycyrrhiza is able to inhibit gastric motility , which relates with the amount of 5 HT , SP , VIP secreted by gastric mucous membrane of rats .

  3. 糖尿病是由体内胰岛素分泌失调引起的。

    Diabetes is caused by a fault in the insulin production of the body .

  4. 问题起因:饮食不良,新陈代谢缓慢,压力,荷尔蒙分泌失调,或许还有感染。

    Causes Poor diet , sluggish metabolism , stress , a hormonal imbalance , and sometimes infection .

  5. 当然,我们知道是胰岛素分泌失调损害了身体代谢糖的能力。

    It is , of course , an insulin disorder that impairs the body 's ability to metabolize sugar .

  6. 此外,她经常头晕,甲状腺分泌失调,最近一名心脏病科医师说她的心跳不规律。

    She 's also prone to bouts of dizziness , has thyroid issues , and was recently referred to a cardiologist for an irregular heartbeat .

  7. 发炎会使皮肤老化加速,有研究表明,缺少ω-3脂肪酸可能导致炎性分泌失调和牛皮癣。

    Inflammation can cause skin to age faster , and research shows that getting too little omega-3 may contribute to inflammatory disorders like eczema and psoriasis .

  8. 这提示脑垂体中胰岛素信号对与肥胖状态有关的黄体生成素分泌失调是基本的。

    " This suggests that insulin receptor signaling in the pituitary is fundamental to the dysregulation of LH secretion associated with the obese state ," the researchers wrote .

  9. 目前认为其主要发病机制在于免疫功能异常,T亚群细胞紊乱及细胞因子分泌失调参与了再障的发病。

    Plenty of clinical and experimental data show that the main pathogenesis on immune function abnormality , immune disorders and cell factors secreted disorders participated in the incidence of aplastic anemia .

  10. 他表示:我们看到更多睡眠长期欠债的年轻人正出现各种问题,例如,荷尔蒙分泌失调、免疫力下降、高血压、心血管问题、体重增加和Ⅱ型糖尿病等。

    We see more young people with chronic sleep debt developing problems such as hormonal defects , decreased immunological function , high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems , increased weight and type-II diabetes , he says .

  11. 结论在青春期表现有月经稀发和继发闭经的PCOS患者在育龄期有更严重的分泌代谢失调、并伴有较低的妊娠率。

    Conclusion The reproductive patients with PCOS who had oligomenorrhea and secondary amenorrhoea in puberty have more severe endocrinal disorders , such as hyperandrogenism and insulin resistant with lower fertility .

  12. 方法回顾分析1995~2000年间986例具有临床症状体内分泌功能失调及植物神经功能紊乱所致的心身疾患。

    Methods The clinical symptoms of 986 patients with climacteric syndrome in our hospital from 1995 to 2000 were analyzed retrospectively .

  13. 研究人员发现,嗜睡症可能是由于控制睡眠的荷尔蒙下视丘分泌素分泌失调造成的。

    Researchers have found that narcolepsy may be caused by an irregularity to the brain cells which control the sleep hormone hypocretin .

  14. 而长期大负荷的运动训练可促进机体NPY的分泌和抑制CGRP的分泌,导致NPY和CGRP的分泌失调,这可能是运动性高血压和运动性心肌损伤发生的病理生理机制。

    However , the long term of heavy load training could promote the NPY secretion and restrain the secretion of CGRP , which caused the secretive imbalance of NPY and CGRP . It may be the pathophysiological mechanism for hypertension and myocardial ischemia during exercise .