
  1. 她以至开玩笑称,一次她和丈夫、前分统内斯托尔?基什内尔享用猪肉大餐后,“感觉超好”。

    She even joked that " it was all good " after she enjoyed some pork with her husband , former President Nestor Kirchner .

  2. 元太宗窝阔台即位伊始即设汉军“三万户”分统汉军,《元史·刘黑马传》又有增立“七万户”的记载。

    When the Emperor Taizong of the Yuan dynasty ascended the throne , he established three Han marquises with fiefs of10,000 families to govern the Han army .

  3. 如果采用传统的纸质试卷考试方式,不仅耗费人力物力,后期的试卷判分、统分和考生的分数管理工作更是繁重。

    If use the traditional paper examination way , not only merely consume the manpower and materials , but also back-end paper sentence , divide into , interconnected system divide into and mark of examinee management strenuous .