
chuǎn cuò
  • mistake;mishap;unexpected things;uneven;mixed up
舛错 [chuǎn cuò]
  • (1) [mistake]∶差错

  • 情舛错以曼忧。--《楚辞.惜贤》

  • 文字舛错

  • (2) [unexpected things]∶意想不到的事件;出乎意料的变故

  • 真的有什么舛错,大家都不好交待

  • (3) [uneven]∶参差错杂

  • 舛错不齐

舛错[chuǎn cuò]
  1. 不会有什么舛错。

    There can 't be any mishap .

  2. 若有舛错,后悔亦晚。

    If anything should happen , it would be too late for regrets .

  3. 我很帅;而我的错误舛错是:我帅得不较着。

    My advantage is that I am handsome , but my disadvantage is that the handsomeness is not so obvious .

  4. 可是将家庭创业和远程办公的优错误舛错做出比拟的话,可以辅佐我们来评估自己是否具备在家事项的资历。

    But the pros and cons of home businesses versus telecommuting come into play as we assess whether we even have the personality for working at home .
