
  1. 《型世言》是1987年法国科学研究中心陈庆浩在韩国汉城大学奎章阁发现的。

    In 1987 Xing Shi Yan was discovered at Kui Zhang Ge of Seoul University in Korea by Chen Qinghao , a professor of French Scientific Research Center .

  2. 法国学者陈庆浩教授单纯从“文本”出发,抛开外部资料,列举了不符合中国语言习惯的几种现象,得出《九云记》是朝鲜小说的结论。

    French Professor Chen Qinghao , only from the text , lists several phenomena unfit for Chinese usage and reaches the conclusion that " Nine Clouds " is a Korean novel .