
  • DaDa;DaDa Chan;chenj
  1. 陈静觉得周围一下子亮了起来,沮丧、恐惧,一古脑儿没了。

    Instantly , Chen Jing brightened up and her despair and fear disappeared .

  2. 陈静就职于乌鲁木齐铁路局。

    Chen Jing is with the Urumqi Railway Bureau .

  3. 一路上,微风吹着陈静的长发,拂到脸上,怪痒痒的,又很舒服。

    On her way home , the gentle breeze blew Chen Jing 's long hair up around her face .

  4. 丁勇觉得今年已经来不及采纳陈静的意见了,但他打算从今年春天起遵循这一建议。

    Ding says it may be too late for him to take Chen ` s advice this semester , but he plans on following it in the spring .

  5. 政法大学心理咨询办公室的咨询师陈静警告大家,短时期的高强度学习可能导致免疫系统故障或者心理混乱。

    Chen Jing , a consultant at the CUPL psychological consultation office , warns that intense study over short periods of time can lead to an immune system malfunction , or to a psychological disorder .