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  1. 两个十几岁的少年在比赛飞车时受了伤。

    Two teens were injured playing chicken in their cars .

  2. 从全国少年女篮比赛论提高少年女子篮球技术水平

    Initial Discussion on Improving Techniques of Junior Girls Basketball

  3. 从少年足球比赛看进攻中的变化规律

    The Vary Laws in Early Youth Soccer Match

  4. 从1987年获全国少年绘画比赛一等奖起,刘超开始在画坛崭露头角。

    In 1987 , Liu Chao won first prize at the National Children 's Painting Competition .

  5. 2007年李宁杯全国少年体操比赛调研与分析

    An Investigation and Analyzation on " Li Ning Cup " National Youth Gymnastic Competition in 2007

  6. 通过对2003年参加全国少年篮球比赛的运动员身体素质与基本技术测试等数据统计与分析,目的在于发现问题,为改进我国少年篮球训练工作提供参考并提出建议。

    Through investigation and statistics from 2003 the authors find out the problem and put forward some suggestions to improve the training of junior basketball players .

  7. 作者通过对少年足球比赛进攻、传球的统计分析,探讨各类型进攻的相关规律,找出传球配合的最佳方式。

    By the statistical analysis of attacking and passing in early youth soccer match , the correlation law among kinds of attacking was discussed , and the best pattern of passing cooperation was defined .

  8. 福建田径少年组比赛成绩与全国同年龄组成绩相比,短跑、跳跃项群水平相差不大甚至有的短跳项目成绩还要好于全国水平。

    The grades of young age group in Fujian track and field competition , compared with the results of the national teams of young age group , sprint , jumping and national level remained fair , even some short jump results to be good in project level .

  9. 编排在少儿平衡木比赛中的重要性&对2003年浙江省少年儿童体操比赛的思考

    The Importance of Editing and Arrangement in Juvenile Balance Beam Game

  10. 少年排球运动员比赛情绪稳定性与自控能力的研究

    On the Emotional Stability and Self control of Juvenile Volleyball Players in Competition

  11. 少年跳跃运动员比赛失常原因及训练调节探析

    Analysis of the Juvenile Jumpers ' Reason of Match Abnormal and Training Adjustment

  12. 参加过两年世界少年组的比赛。

    World junior team two years in a row .

  13. 2002年他开始为少年国家队比赛。

    Nguyen Since 2002 , he has started for the Junior National Team .

  14. 浅谈少年篮球运动员比赛的心理训练与调控

    Brief Discussion on Psychological Training and Regulate and Control of the Match of the Juvenile Basketball Players

  15. 运用文献资料、现场观察、问卷调查和数理统计等方法,对参加2005年全国少年儿童体操比赛的后备人才现状进行了调查研究。

    By using methods of observation , mathematic statistics and theory analysis , the gymnastic reserves of 2005 Youth 's Gymnastics Championship was analyzed .

  16. 在不断赢得少年组的比赛,她又代表英国参加英联邦运动会,欧洲杯和世界杯的成人组比赛。

    She has won many competitions at the junior level and has represented England at the senior level at the Commonwealth Games , the European Championships and the World Championships .

  17. 以参加2003年全国少年女子篮球比赛的运动员为研究对象,对其身高、身体素质、基本技术等数据进行分析。

    Taking junior woman basketball players participating in 2003 National Junior Woman Basketball Match as research subject , this paper analyzes the data of their height , physical fitness and basic technique .

  18. 本研究试从有关耐力素质成份的几个理论问题,结合少年羽毛球运动员比赛中的耐力特点探索其训练方法,为少年羽毛球运动员的训练提供参考。

    This article , viewing from several theoretical questions related to the endurance quality and combining with the endurance features of players in the competition , makes an exploration on their training methods and provides an reference for the training .

  19. 每年圣诞节,我都遵循这样一个传统——有一年是让一些残障少年参加曲棍球比赛,还有一年是看望了两位老年兄弟,他们的房屋在圣诞节前被大火烧为平地,等等。

    For each Christmas , I followed the tradition - one year sending a group of mentally handicapped youngsters to a hockey game , another year a check to a pair of elderly brothers whose home had burned to the ground the week before Christmas , and on and on .

  20. 少年男子排球运动员比赛过程焦虑特征的研究

    Anxiety Characteristics of Junior Boys Volleyball Players in Competitions

  21. 就目前的全国少年田径运动会比赛规程,13-15岁组运动员专项素质最佳为5-7项。

    As to the present regulations of competition of the national Teenagers ' Track and Field Meeting , the best special qualities of age-group athlete from 13-15 should have 5-7 programs .

  22. 随着游泳事业的发展,年龄组少年儿童的游泳比赛比较以往不断增多,如何合理安排两个相邻较短时间比赛之间的训练对于年龄组游泳训练也是十分重要的。

    With the development of swimming , swimming competitions in age group children and youngsters are increasing more than before . How to reasonably arrange training between two competitions soon afterwards is of great importance in the age group swimming training .