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  1. 中国工商银行(ICBC)国际业务部主管陈进在Felaban年会上表示,该行即将在巴西和秘鲁设立分支机构,以帮助其客户在拉美开展业务。

    Chen Jin , head of international financial institutions for Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Beijing , told the Felaban conference that the group is establishing branches in Brazil and Peru as it seeks to help its clients with their businesses in Latin America .

  2. 陈进的案件是激怒学术界数项突出的行为不当传奇案件之一。

    Chen 's case is one of several recent high-profile misconduct sagas roiling academia .

  3. 韩国黄禹锡和中国上海交通大学汉芯造假的陈进等丑闻有力地说明了这一点。

    The scandals over Hwang Woo-suk in Korea and Chen Jin in China convincingly illustrate this point .

  4. 但我可以告诉你,在中国学术界,也有很多类似(陈进这样)的例子。

    But I can tell you that in Chinese academia , there are many similar cases [ to the Chen one ] .

  5. 中航商用飞机有限公司负责市场营销和销售的副总裁陈进说,公司希望这款飞机最终能打入马来西亚、土耳其和印度等新兴市场。

    Chen Jin , ACAC 's vice president for sales and marketing , says the aircraft manufacturer eventually hopes to sell the plane in emerging markets such as Malaysia , Turkey and India .

  6. 曹阳将现场实况同步发到了微博上,负责摄像拍照的也安静地工作,第二次陈进行为艺术食坊顺利完成了。

    Cao Yang has simultaneously tweeted the live scene on Weibo , those in charge of documenting work silently , and and the second Chen Jin 's Performance Art Food-Workshop has successfully accomplished .

  7. 与黄禹锡一样,陈进也得到了大量政府资助。他的芯片设计是在一次有政府高官参加的一次新闻发布会上宣布的,当时这成为了一条轰动新闻。

    Like Mr Hwang , Mr Chen had been given generous public grants , while the announcement of his chip design was trumpeted at a press conference attended by leading government officials and which made front-page news .

  8. 上海交通大学近来曝出的一桩丑闻,使许多潜在的担忧浮出水面。这所大学某学院的院长陈进,声称自己发明了一种先进的微芯片,每秒钟可以处理2亿个指令。

    Many potential worries were brought to the fore by a recent scandal at Jiaotong University in Shanghai where Chen Jin , a dean , claimed to have invented a sophisticated form of microchip that could process 200m instructions per second .