
  • 网络daniel chan;Daniel;Daniel Chan Hiu Tung
  1. 陈晓东不必说感谢。

    Daniel Chan donts say thanks karaoke collection .

  2. 陈晓东说,北京准备在不久的将来接待利比亚反政府武装代表,但是他并没有给出确切的日期。

    Chen said Beijing is " ready to receive " the Libyan rebels in the near future-though he did not specify a date .

  3. 星期四,中国外交部官员陈晓东透露,来自利比亚反对派的一个代表团不久也将前来北京寻求中国支持的消息。

    On Thursday , Chinese Foreign Ministry official Chen Xiaodong revealed a delegation from the Libyan opposition would also soon be in Beijing to seek Chinese backing .