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  • 网络abbas;mahmoud abbas;bandar abbas;abarth;Mahmud Abbas
  1. 官员说,这次5点9级地震的震中靠近波斯湾的格什姆岛与大陆城市阿巴斯。

    Officials say the5.9 magnitude quake was centered near the Persian Gulf island of Qeshm and mainland city of Bandar Abbas .

  2. 据说,飞机在从这个机场起飞后不久出现技术故障。飞机原本要飞往南部港口城市阿巴斯。

    The aircraft is reported to have developed technical problems shortly after taking off from the same airport on a flight to the southern port city of Bandar abbas .

  3. 不仅如此,阿巴斯领导的巴勒斯坦民族权力机构(PA)依赖美国的资金援助。

    Moreover , the Palestinian Authority ( PA ), which Mr Abbas heads , depends on American cash .

  4. 不过在近几周,阿巴斯数次指出,他将寻求联合国大会(UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly)就承认巴勒斯坦为独立国家一事进行表决。

    In recent weeks , however , Mr. Abbas has said he would seek a vote at the United Nations General Assembly that would recognize Palestine as an independent state .

  5. 在U型会议桌旁,坐在内塔尼亚胡和阿巴斯中间的克林顿国务卿对两位领导人同意恢复谈判表示祝贺。

    Sitting under sparkling chandeliers at a U-shaped table between Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Abbas , Clinton congratulated the leaders for agreeing to resume negotiations .

  6. 在讲话中,阿巴斯还对埃及、卡塔尔、及美国国务卿约翰•克里(JohnKerry)为促成停火所发挥的作用表示感谢。卡塔尔是哈马斯的主要外国支持者。

    He thanked Egypt , Qatar – Hamas ' main foreign patron – and John Kerry , the US Secretary of State , for their role in arranging the ceasefire .

  7. 美国特使乔治·米切尔(GeorgeMitchell)敦促巴勒斯坦总统阿巴斯从与以色列进行间接对话转变为进行面对面的直接谈判。

    US Envoy Pushes Palestinians to Enter Direct Talks With Israel U.S. envoy George Mitchell urged Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to move from indirect peace talks with Israel to face-to-face negotiations .

  8. 旨在终结这场冲突的外交努力仍在继续,联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)将乘机前往多哈,与阿巴斯和卡塔尔的官员进行会谈。

    Diplomatic efforts to end the conflict continued , with Ban Ki-moon , UN secretary-general , set to fly to Doha to hold talks with Mr Abbas and Qatari officials .

  9. 但是,Daraghmeh告知VOA,阿巴斯没有说明他所说的正是和以色列之间的中心问题。

    But Daraghmeh tells VOA Mr. Abbas has failed to address what he says is the central question with Israel .

  10. 如果装配阿巴斯(Abarth)变速套件,那就会产生惊人的效果,但菲亚特高管说,阿巴斯版本的500L不在计划生产之列。

    An Abarth performance package would do wonders , but Fiat execs say that a 500L Abarth edition isn 't in the tarot .

  11. 阿巴斯总统计划那一天子开罗与阿拉伯外交部长进行协商,然后宣布是否继续进行对话。1.avertvt.防止,避免

    That is when President Abbas plans to consult with Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo , before announcing his decision on whether to continue negotiations .

  12. 菲亚特还计划在11月16日在洛杉矶推出一款外形更炫、功率输出更高的阿巴斯(Abarth)版的菲亚特500,此举或许能够刺激销量。

    Fiat plans to introduce a glitzier , higher-output Abarth version of the 500 in Los Angeles on Nov. 16 , which could goose sales .

  13. 不到一年,他通过各种各样的工作攒够了钱,可以换一辆带阿巴斯(Abarth)发动机的红色菲亚特850轿跑车了。

    Within a year he had saved up enough from his various jobs that he could trade up to a red Fiat 850 coupe with an Abarth engine .

  14. 米切尔与阿巴斯总统进行会晤之前,巴勒斯坦高级谈判人员NabilShaath表示,巴勒斯坦不应该继续进行对话,除非以色列停止建筑定居点。

    Before Mitchell 's meeting with President Abbas , Palestinian senior negotiator Nabil Shaath said the Palestinians should not remain in talks unless Israel stops building in the settlements .

  15. 更可能的是,与阿巴斯前顾问巴图(dianabuttu)的想法一致,这个出名胆小的巴勒斯坦主席只是想避免与哈马斯最后摊牌,而且单纯的希望哈马斯不要走得太远。

    More likely , agrees Diana Buttu , a former adviser to Mr Abbas , the famously diffident Palestinian president wanted to avoid a showdown , and simply did not expect Hamas to go so far .

  16. 在印尼和马来西亚致力于将技术整合进大学课程的佐拉尼•瓦提•阿巴斯(ZorainiWatiAbas)表示,在帮助亚洲学生充分利用技术方面,公共部门也扮演着关键角色。

    The public sector is also playing an important role in helping Asian students to make the most of technology , says Zoraini Wati Abas , who has worked on integrating technology into university courses in Indonesia and Malaysia .

  17. 阿巴斯少将说,袭击持续将近两小时。

    Major General Abbas says the assault lasted nearly two hours .

  18. 阿巴斯说:西方人很疯狂。

    Mr Abbas said : ' Westerners are crazy people .

  19. 阿巴斯的承认将加深人们对选举结果的怀疑。

    The admission will intensify doubts about the election result .

  20. 阿巴斯先生正在全力推行这样的全民公决。

    Mr Abbas is now pushing for such a referendum .

  21. 阿巴斯通过翻译明确地表达了他的立场。

    In his remarks , the Palestinian President made his position clear .

  22. 然后,我们忽然想起阿巴斯将军和他的名片。

    Then we remembered General Abbas and his visiting card .

  23. 当阿巴斯将军进来时,我们全体起立。

    When General Abbas came in we all stood up .

  24. 阿巴斯的摄影意念中的单纯与深刻

    Photography of Abbas : The Simply and Profound in Ideas

  25. 持温和态度的巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿巴斯谴责了这起袭击事件。

    Moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the attack .

  26. 阿巴斯明确地指出了前面的挑战。

    The Palestinian leader made clear the challenges ahead .

  27. 阿巴斯也试着与哈马斯达成权利分享的计划。

    Abbas could also try to cut a new power-sharing deal with Hamas .

  28. 契丹与日本和阿巴斯帝国也有所联系,

    The Khitan were also in contact with Japan and the Abassid empire ,

  29. 克林顿首先在阿布扎比会见了巴勒斯坦总统阿巴斯。

    Clinton met first to Palestinian authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Abu Dhabi .

  30. 然后赖斯将返回安曼,最后同阿巴斯磋商。

    She then returns to Amman for a final consultation with Mr. Abbas .