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  1. 阿散酸诱导NRK细胞凋亡。

    Arsanilic acid induces apoptosis in NRK cells .

  2. 试验用3种方法研究了2种含砷兽药洛克沙胂(roxarsone)和阿散酸(arsanilicacid)对安德爱胜蚓(Eiseniaandrei)的急性毒性。

    The acute toxicity test of two veterinary pharmaceuticals containing arsenic-roxarsone and arsanilic acid to earthworms ( Eisenia Andrei ) was studied using three methods .

  3. 单因子完全随机化试验下阿散酸对仔猪肝脏蛋白质的影响。

    Single-factor completely randomized experiments under the arsanilic acid on liver protein of piglets .

  4. 盐霉素、阿散酸对小鼠机体的氧化损伤及生殖毒性的研究

    Study of Salinomycin and Arsanilic Acid on Lipid Peroxidation of Mice and Their Reproductive Toxicity

  5. 蚯蚓体腔细胞彗星试验检测阿散酸在泥浆体系中降解前后的遗传毒性变化

    Genotoxicity Changes of Arsanilic Acid Before and After Degradation in Slurry with Comet Assay on Earthworm Coelomocytes

  6. 阿散酸促进氧自由基的生成和抑制氧自由基及其氧化产物的清除。

    Arsanilic acid promotes oxygen free radicals generation and inhibits oxygen free radicals and their oxidation products elimination .

  7. 以萨迦支派有一个首领,阿散的儿子帕铁。

    And the prince of the tribe of the children of Issachar , Paltiel the son of Azzan .

  8. 但由于动物对砷有蓄积作用,长期饲喂阿散酸,会导致动物产品中砷含量残留超标。

    However , animals are apt to arsenic accumulation , long-term feeding arsanilic acid , lead arsenic residues in animal products exceeded .

  9. 有机砷制剂(如阿散酸)越来越广泛的使用,促进了畜牧业的发展,取得了良好的社会经济效益。

    Organic arsenic preparations , such as arsanilic acid , used widely to promote the development of animal husbandry , and achieved good social and economic benefits .

  10. 洛克沙胂对氨化作用的影响与阿散酸相反,200mg/kg洛克沙胂表现抑制。

    Roxarsone at the dose of 200 mg / kg inhibited the ammonification . Arsanilic acid could inhibit soil nitrification , the effects stronger with increasing of doses .

  11. 为评估有机胂添加剂对水环境的影响,以蛋白核小球藻、大型蚤为研究对象,研究了洛克沙胂、阿散酸对蛋白核小球藻和大型蚤的急性毒性。

    In order to evaluate impact of organoarsenics on aquatic system , the acute toxicity of organoarsenics to Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Deaphnia magna was examined in this study .

  12. 分析这些蛋白质的功能,探索阿散酸对仔猪肝脏蛋白质表达的影响发现,这些蛋白质与阿散酸在肝脏中的代谢及其对机体的一系列损伤有密切的相关性。

    Analyze the function of these proteins to explore the arsanilic acid on piglet liver protein expression , found that are closely related a series of the metabolism in the liver and damage to the body by arsanilic acid .

  13. 50mg/kg阿散酸抑制土壤氨化作用,使氨化强度下降17.3~29.1%,但200mg/kg阿散酸促进氨化作用;

    Arsanilic acid at the dose of 50 mg / kg could decrease soil ammonification 17.3 % ~ 29.1 % , but the 200 mg / kg of arsanilic acid promoted significantly soil ammonification . The effects of roxarsone was contrary to the arsanilic acid .

  14. 本实验运用双向电泳,对仔猪肝脏的蛋白质表达进行分析,以探索阿散酸在猪体内的生物学机制,从而根本上阐述该种兽药残留对于猪的各种影响。

    In this study , protein expression of piglet liver analysis to explore the organic arsenic preparations ( arsanilic acid ) in pigs biological mechanisms by the use of two-dimensional electrophoresis , which essentially describes the kinds of veterinary drug residues in meat for the impact .

  15. 阿如健脾散研究进展

    Advances in Studies on Aru Powders for Invigorating the Spleen

  16. 蒙药阿如健脾散质量标准研究

    Study on Quality Standard of Mongolian Medicine Aru Spleen-invigorating Powder

  17. 目的:对阿如健脾散中的荜茇、丁香、诃子等成分进行薄层鉴别,同时测定了该制剂中荜茇的有效成分胡椒碱的含量。

    Objective : To establish a TLC method for the identification of long pepper , caryophyllus , chebule as well as an HPLC method for determination of piperine as an effective component in Aru Spleen-invigorating powder .