
  • 网络Spillway;flood diversion channel;flood relief channel
  1. 莫干扎分洪道(MorganzaSpillway)位于路易斯安娜州首府巴吞鲁日上游75千米处。

    The Morganza Spillway is about seventy-five kilometers from Baton Rouge , the state capital .

  2. 打开莫干扎分洪道(MorganzaSpillway)是为了缓解巴吞鲁日和新奥尔良的堤坝压力。

    Opening a channel , the Morganza spillway , is meant to relieve pressure on the levees protecting the cities of Baton Rouge and New Orleans .

  3. 专家表示,在路易斯安娜州首府北部72千米处,来自莫干扎分洪道(MorganzaSpillway)的洪水将会使水位逐渐上升至六米,淹没农田和企业。在周六之前,该地区还有超过25000人居住。

    US Flood Control Measures Could Affect At Least 30000 Seventy-two kilometers north of Louisiana 's capital , experts say this of gushing water from the Morganza Spillway will gradually raise water levels up to six meters high -- flooding farms and businesses in an area that until Saturday was home to more than 25000 people .

  4. 乌塔沟分洪道试验段堤防渗流场分析与渗控研究

    Seepage Field Analysis and Seepage Control of Embankment for Some Floodway Test Section

  5. 主要研究内容如下:(1)腊山分洪道水工模型试验研究。

    The main research contents of this paper are as follows : ( 1 ) Hydraulic model tests .

  6. 泄洪道,分洪道,溢流槽:天然或人造的泄洪渠或泄洪管道,以引导洪水绕过或远离城市中心或人口稠密地区。

    Natural or man-made bypass channels or conduits that redirect flood waters around or away from urban centers or area of high population density .