
  • 网络phylogenetic tree;Molecular phylogenetic tree
  1. NJ法构建的分子系统树显示,非洲野犬最先从犬科动物中分化出来;

    Molecular phylogenetic tree constructed by NJ method suggests that African wild dog is the earliest divergent .

  2. 采用邻接法(Neighbor-joiningMethod,NJ)和最大简约法(MaximumParsi-monyMethod,MP)进行分析,并构建分子系统树,探讨羊肚菌属的分类地位及进化关系。

    The Neighbor-Joining method and Maximum Parsi-mony method were adopted to construct the molecular phylogenetic tree , so as to elucidate the taxonomic status and the evolutionary relationship of morel .

  3. 用NJ法构建分子系统树进行系统发育分析。

    A molecular phylogeny tree was constructed with NJ method and analyzed .

  4. UPGMA和NJ法构建的种群间分子系统树基本一致,结果表明不同地理种群之间存在一定程度的遗传差异。

    Molecular phylogenetic tree constructed by UPGMA and NJ method suggested that there were some genetic variation among different geographic population .

  5. 根据单倍型构建了贵州4个黄牛品种的NJ分子系统树。

    The Neighbor-Joining molecular phylogenetic tree of mtDNA D-loop of 4 Guizhou cattle breeds was constructed according to the 31 haplotypes .

  6. 所研究的豹蛛属的4个种在两种构树方法(NJ法和MP法)下所获得的分子系统树中均优先聚在一起,是较进化的类群。与传统形态分类结果一致。

    The4 examined species of Pardosa was grouped together between two methods of phylogenetic analysis ( NJ and MP ), which is the most evolutive group , as same as recent taxonomy .

  7. 采用Kimura双参数模型计算遗传距离:并用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯法(Bayesian)重建了黄颡鱼属鱼类的分子系统树。

    The Kimura 's 2-Parameter sequence divergences were calculated and molecular phylogenetic trees were reconstructed by using the neighbor-joining ( NJ ) and maximum parsimony ( MP ) methods as well as Bayesian inference .

  8. 利用UPGMA构建了分子系统树,结果表明RAPD分析的亲缘关系聚类基本上与经典分类相一致,表明RAPD技术适用于驼蹄瓣属植物亲缘关系的研究。

    It showed that Zygophyllum has high genetic diversity . Molecular systematic tree constructed with UPGMA indicated that the results of clustering analysis based on RAPD was consistent with those based on traditional methods , which indicated that RAPD molecular marker could be used for genetic relationship researches on Zygophyllum .

  9. 群体间遗传距离指数及用UPGMA和NJ法构建的分子系统树结果表明,山东日照与山东潍坊两群体的亲缘关系较近,广东湛江群体与其它群体亲缘关系相对较远。

    The results of intra-population genetic distance indexes and molecular phylogenetic trees constructed by the UPGMA and NJ methods for Meretrix meretrix of seven populations demonstrated that the phylogeny between the populations of SR and SW is much closer , and the farthest from GZ population and other populations .

  10. 结果表明,外肛动物和内肛动物构成苔藓动物分子系统树中的二大平行支;

    The results show that the entoprocts and the ectoprocts constitute the two parallel branches in the molecular phylogenetic trees of bryozoans ;

  11. 叶绿体基因组属于母性遗传,有相对独立的进化路线,可不依赖于其他任何数据即可构建分子系统树及查明植物的进化历史。

    Chloroplast genome belongs to maternal inheritance , and it has relative independent evolutionary line , thus it can construct phylogenetic trees and identify the evolutionary history of plants , not depending on any other data .

  12. 分别绘制了基于RAPD标记和基于ISSR标记的山楂属植物分子系统进化树。

    Dendrograms of the genus Crataegus were drawn separately based on the RAPD marker and the ISSR marker .

  13. 通过对其形态特征的观察及该菌ITS的序列测定,并与Genbank中经Blast搜索获得的部分菌株构建分子系统发育树。

    Observing their morphologies and testing ITS sequences , blast searches with Genbank obtained in part by the strain of building a phylogenetic tree .

  14. 通过与已知Cu/Zn-SODcDNA序列的7个物种:人、猪、鼠、大鼠、奶牛以及马的cDNA序列的比较构建了分子进化系统树。

    Molecular phylogenetic tree was also built by comparing Yak Cu / Zn-SOD cDNA with other 7 species-cow , human , pig , rat , mouse , rattus and horse .

  15. 论文将LZ复杂性相似度应用于分子系统进化树重构的研究中。

    Then , LZ complexity similarity was applied to the study of reconstruction of phylogenetic trees .

  16. 构建NJ和MP分子系统发育树发现,塔里木马鹿与其他马鹿遗传距离较远,分属于不同的类群;

    The NJ and MP phylogenetic trees showed that , Talim wapiti had further genetic distance with another subspecies , which should be clustered in different wapiti types ;

  17. 目的测定中华血吸虫线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基1(CO1)和NADH脱氢酶亚基1(ND1)基因序列,并根据这些序列构建分子系统发生树,探讨中华血吸虫在裂体属内的系统发生位置。

    Objective To determine the phylogenetic position of Schistosoma sinensium in the genus Schistosoma using mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase 1 ( CO1 ) and NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND1 ) as molecular markers .

  18. UPGMA分子系统聚类树显示,江苏养殖群体和广西选育群体的遗传关系最近,其单倍型混杂聚成一支,而缅甸原种F1群体相对独立为另外一支。

    The UPGMA phylogenetic tree suggested that F_2 of the Guangxi breeding population and Jiangsu cultured population were closest genetically , and their haplotypes could be gathered together to a genetic branch ; while F_1 of the Burma wildtype population diverged and could form another relatively independent branch .

  19. 从分子系统发育树和可能的氨基酸组成分析,山茶属具有新功能的基因成员是在经过基因重复后,或是由少数几个位点的突变而成,或是由逐渐积累的突变而形成的。

    Based on phylogenetic analyse inferred from sequences of CHS genes and their deduced amino acid sequences , we concluded that the CHS genes with new function in this genus were evolved either by mutations on several important sites or by accumulation of the mutations after the gene duplication .

  20. 构建微生物分子分类系统进化树的快速运算法与数据结构

    Fast reconstructing algorithms and data structures of the phylogenetic trees for microbial molecular classification

  21. 线粒体基因是一种母性遗传基因,因其保守性和实验操作的简便性,成为研究分子进化和构建系统树的一个有效的分子标记。

    Mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) is a kind of maternal transmitted gene , which becomes an efficient symbol in the study of molecular phylogeny and the construction of phylogenetic trees , because of its conservation and convenience for experiments .

  22. 依据所得的两个CAPs分子标记对12个品系的家蚕遗传多样性进行了初步研究,构建了其分子系统树。

    Furthermore , the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of 12 silkworm strains were investigated using the obtained two CAPs markers .