
  • 网络Placement Test
  1. 到了下午,我闭关房门开始复习,分班考试迫在眉睫。

    By afternoon , I closed our doors started to review , the placement test is imminent .

  2. 问卷调查的结果表明学生都认同分班考试,而且认为其很有用。

    Responses to questionnaires show that this college English placement test is well-accepted by the students and they find it a useful test .

  3. 他们让所有的学生参加分班考试。

    They put all the students through the replacement examination .

  4. Excel编程在随机分班考试中的应用

    Application of Excel Programming in randomized examinatorial class grouping

  5. 常模参照性测试模式和分班考试的命题实验

    The Norm-Referenced Measurement and an Experimental Placement Test

  6. 我们会要求学生在抵达英国的时候进行分班考试。这将确保我们确定了学生的语言水平,并提供最适合此水平的课程。

    This will ensure that we identify the students'general language level and prepare a course at the most suitable level .

  7. 相关分析和因子分析的结果表明此次分班考试具有很高的构念效度。

    Through correlation study and factor analysis , it can be concluded that the college English placement test has relatively high construct validity .

  8. 随机分班与考试牌的应用可有效防范考试中的作弊和违纪行为。

    The application of randomized class grouping and examinatorial permit cards can effectively prevent cheating and frauds in an examination .

  9. ESL分班测试口语考试的真实性评估

    Authenticity Evaluation of the Speaking Test of ESL Placement Test