
  1. 采用混合家系方差组分剖分法对白羽番鸭RF系的主要经济性状遗传参数进行了估计。

    The genetic parameters of major quantity traits of white feather muscovy duck RF line were estimated with variance component of the mixed family .

  2. 随着取向的大分子链的松驰解取向,各条带中沿着大分子链取向的方向上出现许多暗带线.把条带分剖成约0.5-1.0μm长的小块。

    With the relaxation of oriented polymer chains , thin and dark strips appear in the band by which the band is divided into about 0.5-1.0 μ m long regions .

  3. 内窥可见性算法利用入体器官的封闭管状特征,将其分剖成许多网格单元,并在预处理中使用深度缓存计算单元间的可见性,同时对每个单元建立可见性树。

    We decompose the elongated human organs into a number of cells ; the visibility between cells is then calculated with Z-buffer and stored in a visibility tree for each cell .

  4. 基于STL的切片法有限差分网格剖分的研究

    Slice Method for Mesh Generation Based on STL in Finite Differential Method

  5. CSDF:一种基于STL的无锯齿差分网格剖分算法

    CSDF : a New Alias-free Finite Difference Grid Generation Algorithm Based on STL

  6. 根据FDTD算法的场划分要求,建立了钢筋混凝土电磁散射计算二维模型,并对模型进行了网格剖分,剖分网格的大小满足Courant稳定性条件和数值色散的要求。

    According to the field divided requirements of FDTD algorithm , two-dimensional model of electromagnetic scattering is established . Grid subdivision for the model has been done which should satisfy the Courant stability condition and numerical dispersion requirements .

  7. 三维前处理有限差分网格剖分的并行化技术

    Parallelizing Technique of Finite-difference Grid Subdivision in 3D Pre-processing

  8. 提出了基于分层次剖分的快速碰撞检测方法。

    The technique based on hierarchical partitioning was given , which synthetically used spatial partitioning and bounding volume hierarchy .

  9. 依据分娩方式将新生儿分为剖宫产组46例和阴式分娩组34例;

    Neonates were classified into two groups according to the mode of delivery ( vaginal delivery group 34 and caesarean section group 46 ) .

  10. 采用椭球剖分策略剖分可行域为小的椭球,用投影次梯度算法解松弛二次规划问题的拉格朗日对偶问题,从而获得原问题的一个下界。

    A projection subgradient algorithm for the Lagrangian dual problem of the relaxed quadratic problem is employed to general lower bounds of the optimal value for the original problem .

  11. 相对于普通的Box剖分,Ball剖分具有更快的计算速度。

    Ball-dividing provides faster belonging computation comparing to common box-dividing .

  12. 采用Advancingfront方法对随机骨料模型进行网格剖分,网格剖分严格按骨料、界面和砂浆分别进行。

    The mesh division of aggregate , bond and mortar matrix was carried out respectively by Advancing Front method .

  13. 研究和比较了各种三维建模方法,提出在VRML环境下对从CAD导入的VRML索引面造型进行四叉树剖分算法,剖分的深度要考虑刀具的直径和形状。

    To study various three-dimensional modeling methods , make use of quad tree to split indexed faces in VRML imported from CAD .

  14. 铸件三维有限差分网格自动剖分技术

    The Technology of 3-D Finite Difference Automatic Mesh Generation for Casting

  15. 由坡角确定的剖分因子可剖分出各类边坡模态幅值的计算公式;

    The ripping factor depended on bedding slope angle can give calculation formulas of all kinds of modality amplitude ;

  16. 方法:选取病例分为新式剖宫产组及传统剖宫产组,比较两组手术时间、术后体温恢复、术后排气、伤口愈合、出血等临床指标。

    Methods : The operative time , fart time , wound healing , and bleeding were compared between new and traditional cesarean sections .

  17. 采用分格技术剖分得到多独立点源,以此解决出口平面参数的非均匀性问题。

    A partition technique splits the outlet plane into many small independent point sources , then dealing with the nonuniformity of incoming flow parameters .

  18. 本文从子块结构、坐标变换的角度入手,将有限元和矩阵理论相结合,提出了一种能够适应复杂三维流场有限元自动剖分要求的剖分方法,研究了流场不同区域的剖分规律。

    Based on sectional construction and coordinate change , this paper presents a dissecting method which can be adapted to automatical dissection of finite elements in three dimensional flow and researches dissecting regularity in the different parts of the flow area .

  19. 地质模型网格剖分中Delaunay三角剖分算法的实现及优化

    Realization and optimization of Delaunay gridding algorithm in seismic model gridding

  20. 此外,我们对于Laplacet椭圆型方程分别在标准Criss-Cross剖分,正规Criss-Cross剖分和分片正规Criss-Cross贯穿剖分下给出了数值例子,数值实验结果表明,该方法对求解椭圆型方程是十分有效和健壮的。

    Numerical tests show that the algorithms are efficient and robust for solving elliptical equations .

  21. 双组分聚合物复合调剖剂的研究

    Study of Complex Profile Control Agent Comprising Bicomponent Polymer

  22. 利用油量传感器错误示数和当前飞行姿态角,利用油箱表面三角网格,将油箱内含油体积进行三维三棱柱剖分和三维四面体剖分。

    Using the wrong result of gasoline volume sensors , current attitude error and surface triangle mesh , logical prisms and tetrahedrons were generated .

  23. 以聚丙烯酰胺与聚乙烯醇配成聚合物混合溶液,用甲醛和硼砂作为交联剂,形成一种双组分聚合物复合调剖剂体系。

    A kind of complex profile control agent comprising bicomponent polymer was formed from polymer mixture comprising polyacrylamide and polyvinyl alcohol using formaldehyde and borax as the crosslinkers .

  24. 算法的核心思想是将裁剪曲面三角剖分视为约束剖分问题,从而使得三角形的细分操作拓展为有效域内插入散乱节点的三角剖分问题。

    The main idea of algorithm is that triangulation of trimmed surface is regarded as a problem of constrained Delaunay tessellation and modes are linked into triangular meshes in an effective parametric domain .

  25. 同时,提出了外连剖分和内连剖分的概念,给出了基于局部增量网格扩张的3维散乱数据点的空间直接三角剖分算法。

    At the same time , the concepts of inner-connection and outer-connection were put forward and the direct triangulation algorithm from 3D scattered points based on the local incremental mesh expansion method was provided .

  26. 本文研究了关于Lipschitz函数的全局优化的单纯形算法,在原有的全局优化的单纯形的算法中,使用了辐射状细分的剖分技术和二分剖分技术。

    Global optimization algorithm of Lipschitz function is studied in this paper , the technology of the radial subdivision and bisection is used in simplex algorithms of global optimization .

  27. 在常用均匀剖分的基础上,改进了剖分方法,给出了一种有选择的非均匀剖分和细化剖分方法。

    Base on the normally used even decomposition , this thesis improved the decomposition method , presenting a elective uneven decomposition and refined decomposition method .

  28. 以四面体作为剖分单元,对正方体整体区域进行剖分,每个正方体剖分为五个四面体,从而建立三维空间有限元模型。

    As a division to tetrahedral element to the cube in the area of whole division , each cube is divided into five tetrahedron profile , so as to construct a three dimensional space finite element model .

  29. 基于有限元法和有限差分法的探地雷达正演模拟需要对计算区域进行网格剖分,剖分形式与网格大小对计算精度有直接影响且计算开销大。

    Based on the finite element method and finite difference method of the GPR forward modeling are need to divide a large number of grid cells , the form of grid cell and size has a direct impact on the calculation accuracy and the computation time is every large .