
  1. 一天,报纸上登了分水油纸伞的消息,说他老毕“华丽转身”。

    One day , a newspaper carried a story about Fenshui oil paper umbrella , saying that Old Bi was having a turn of fortune .

  2. 本文将分水油纸伞的物象形态和它的艺术内涵联系起来,避免纯形式主义的解读或纯文化中心主义的阐述。

    This paper links the physical image shape of watershed Oilpaper umbrella and its artistic content to avoid a purely formalistic analysis or description of a pure culture of centrism .

  3. 由于种种原因,迄今为止对分水油纸伞的研究相对薄弱,尚未形成较为完整的理论体系,亦未能全面、深入地揭示其丰富的文化内涵和审美特质。

    For various reasons , up to date the study of watershed Oilpaper umbrella is relatively weak , has not yet formed a more complete theoretical system , or fully and deeply revealing its rich cultural connotation and aesthetic qualities .

  4. 分水的油纸伞泡在水中一周,或在雨中长期使用,也不会损坏。

    Dipping in water for a week or long exposure in rain doesn 't make any damage to Fenshui Oilpaper Umbrella .