
fēn liè zhǔ yì
  • Separatism;splittism;secessionism
分裂主义[fēn liè zhǔ yì]
  1. 反对分裂主义要坚定不移地相信和依靠各民族的广大干部和群众,等等。

    Fighting against the splittism must believe in and depend on the national cadres and people firmly .

  2. 在处理与中央政府的关系时,他对清政府的对外妥协政策深为反感,因而表现出几次反复,甚至中间还表示出一种分裂主义的倾向。

    Feeling disgusted about the foreign policy of Qing government , he had relapses to deal with the relation with Qing government , even had the tendency of splittism .

  3. 分裂主义者袭击他们的车辆时,两名警官死里逃生。

    Two police officers had a narrow escape when separatists attacked their vehicles .

  4. 军队一直遭到分裂主义者的袭击。

    The army has come under attack by separatists .

  5. 保持对“三股势力”(分裂主义,极端主义,恐怖主义)严打高压态势

    Strike hard and maintain high pressure on the three forces ( of separatism , extremism and terrorism )

  6. 卡米诺战役时,首相拉马苏亲自启用了ARC士兵,保卫被分裂主义分子攻击的提波卡市。

    At the Battle of Kamino , Prime Minister Lama Su personally activated the ARC troopers to defend Tipoca City from Separatist attack .

  7. Papua几十年来一直处于低水平的分裂主义反叛活动状态,该地区一直高度的军事化。

    Papua has been the scene of low-level separatist insurgency for decades , and the area is heavily militarised .

  8. 斯里兰卡军方表示,不认为该国分裂主义叛乱运动泰米尔猛虎组织(TamilTigers)参与了此事。

    The Sri Lankan military said it did not believe the Tamil Tigers , the island 's separatist rebel movement , were involved .

  9. 同时,克鲁吉亚两个地区阿布哈兹(Abkhazia)和南奥塞梯(SouthOssetia)迅速卷入分裂主义者制造的混乱,导致了广泛的种族冲突和战争。

    At the same time , two regions of Georgia , Abkhazia and South Ossetia , quickly became embroiled in disputes with local separatists that led to widespread inter-ethnic violence and wars .

  10. IANBANCROFT:“因此,世界各地的分裂主义运动都会关注该裁决,获得鼓励,认为他们也可以追寻这条路线。”

    IAN BANCROFT : " Therefore , any movement , it is in the world , will look towards this and gain some encouragement that they too can pursue this path . "

  11. 美国国务卿约翰克里(JohnKerry)威胁要对俄罗斯实施进一步制裁,除非俄停止支持东乌克兰的分裂主义者。他承认,释放一周前被劫为人质的七名国际观察人士是一个进步。

    John Kerry , the US secretary of state , threatened Russia with further sanctions unless the country stopped backing separatists in eastern Ukraine as he acknowledged that the release of seven international observers taken hostage a week ago was a step forward .

  12. 中国坚决反对一切形式的恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义。

    China opposes all forms of terrorism , separatism and extremism .

  13. 官员称,这些暴力事件由伊斯兰好战分子和分裂主义组织策划实施。

    Officials blame the violence on Islamic militants and separatist groups .

  14. 我认为这个罪行是西伯利亚分裂主义者所为。

    I have concluded this crime was committed by Siberian separatists .

  15. 我们国家的完整受到了这些分裂主义势力的威胁。

    Our integrity as a nation is threatened by these separatist forces .

  16. 分裂主义者在要求他们的州完全自治。

    The separatist is demanding full autonomy for their state .

  17. 反对一切形式的恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义。

    We must oppose terrorism , separatism and extremism in all forms .

  18. 决定向恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义开战。

    Have determined to wage war against terrorism , separatism and extremism .

  19. 还有这个巴斯克的分裂主义者的表情也是

    And again on the face of a Basque separatist

  20. 恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义的破坏活动有增无减。

    Meanwhile , activities of terrorism , separatism and extremism are also increasing .

  21. 即便是今天,分裂主义也会导致一个集体或国家的崩溃。

    Even today , separatism would lead to a collective or state collapse .

  22. 自90年代以来,俄罗斯对车臣发动了两次反分裂主义战争。

    Russia has fought two wars against Chechen separatism since the nineteen nineties .

  23. 分裂主义正在上升,并支持多媒体信息的建设。

    Separatism was on the rise and support for the PQ was building .

  24. 我们国家的完整性遭受到分裂主义者的武装势力威胁。

    Our integrity as a nation is threatened by these separatist ( C ) .

  25. 基辅有关部门指责控制飞机坠毁地区的分裂主义者制造了这一事件。

    Authorities in Kiev are blaming separatist controling the area where the plane came down .

  26. 中国政府表示,它正在打击宗教极端主义、恐怖主义和分裂主义。

    Beijing says it is waging a fight against religious extremism , terrorism and separatism .

  27. 贫穷和失业也推动了该地区分裂主义团体的蔓延。

    Poverty and unemployment have also driven the spread of separatist groups in the area .

  28. 在垂直向度上,外部势力的干涉,推动了分裂主义的国际化升级。

    From vertical dimension , the intervention of foreign powers propel the internationalization of separatism forward .

  29. 分裂主义者坚信他们几天以后就能把军队从城里赶走。

    The secessionists firmly believed they would in a few days drive the army from this city .

  30. 白宫发言人杰伊·卡尔尼称,美国正对乌克兰军事行动进行支持,以此来对抗亲俄的分裂主义分子。

    White House spokesman Jay Carney says the U.S. is backing Ukrainian military action against pro-Russian separatists .