
  1. 提出并分析了一种基于光纤光栅的新型光分插复用器(OADM)。

    This paper proposes and analyzes a novel OADM ( optical add / drop multiplexer ) based on fiber gratings .

  2. 一种新颖的光分插复用器设计

    Novel Design of an OADM

  3. 基于MEMS光开关的光分插复用结构设计

    MEMS Switch Based OADM

  4. 映射复用单元是同步数字序列(SDH)分插复用器和终端复用器的关键部分。

    The mapping and multiplexing unit is a very important part of SDH Add_Drop Multiplexer and Terminal Multiplexer .

  5. 基于光纤光栅和二维编码的OCDMA分插复用

    OCDMA Add-Drop Multiplexers Based on Fiber Gratings and 2-Dimensional Codes

  6. 光分插复用设备(OpticalAdd/DropMultiplexer,OADM)是当前光纤通信网络重要的节点设备。

    Optical Add / Drop Multiplexer ( OADM ) is one important node equipment in optical fiber communication network currently .

  7. AWG作光路分插复用器串扰对信道数的影响

    Impact of Crosstalk in Channel Numbers Based on Arrayed-waveguide on an Optical Add-drop Multiplexer

  8. 基于并联结构的M-Z型可重构光分插复用器

    Reconfigurable M-Z Optical Add / Drop Multiplexer Based on Parallel Structure

  9. 由于WDM技术的飞速发展,用于构建WDM全光网络的设备&光交连接和光分插复用引起人们广泛关注。

    With the rapid development of the WDM technology , OXC / OADM as components of the WDM all-optical network have drawn much public attention .

  10. 未来基于光分插复用(OADM)和光交叉连接(OXC)的全光网需要能满足其高速交换需要的光开关单元及其阵列。

    All-Optic-Network based on OXC and OADM needs high-speed optical switch to realize photonic switching .

  11. 光分插复用器(OADM)是波分复用(WDM)系统中的关键器件之一。

    Optical add-drop multiplexer ( OADM ) is one of the key components for wavelength division multiplexing ( WDM ) system .

  12. 简要介绍如何用一种新的21路SDH映射器来实现SDH分插复用器中高带宽多支路的映射复用功能。

    This paper introduced how to realize SDH mapping and multiplexing in SDH Add_Drop Multiplexer with a new SDH mapping device which supports 21 E 1 ports .

  13. 作为全光通信网的核心设备的光分插复用器(OADM),对全光网的传输能力、组网方式、关键性能都具有重要影响。

    As the core equipment of AON , OADM has great influence on the transmit ability and network originating of AON .

  14. 可重构光分插复用(ROADM)设备可以通过软件实现远程节点上、下路和直通波长的配置。

    ROADM enables the configuration of drop , add and express wavelengths at remote nodes via software control .

  15. 光分插复用器(OADM)是光波分复用(WDM)系统的节点器件,OADM的性能直接关系到WDM系统的整体性能。

    Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer ( OADM ) is nodal point of Wave Division Multiplexer ( WDM ) . Performance of WDM relies on the performance of OADM device .

  16. 它比一般的10Gbps光传输系统成本低,主要应用于交换机、核心路由器(CR)、分插复用器(ADM)和波分复用(WDM)终端等网络中不同层次设备之间的互连。

    It has lower cost than the common 10 Gbps system . It is mainly used to link two equipments of different network layers , such as switchs , CRs , ADMs and WDM terminals .

  17. 为保证光分插复用(OADM)节点设备工作的可靠性,需在设备中采用1+1或1:n光通道保护技术。

    A 1 + 1 or 1 : n protection of optical channel must be adopted in OADM system for reliability of OUT .

  18. 在此基础上设计了基于四纤光纤准直器的可重构光分插复用器(ROADM)的实验,分析了色散对实验的影响。

    Based on this , the experiment using a four fiber collimator was designed and the dispersive effect was analyzed .

  19. 本文以同步数字体系(SDH)应用为背景,论述了SDH分插复用器(ADM)系统的原理与设计方法。

    Against the background of the application of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH ), the paper mainly discusses the design principles and chief techniques of an Add-Drop Multiplexer ( ADM ), one of the SDH equipments .

  20. 光开关可以应用在光交叉互联(OXC)、光分插复用(OADM)以及自愈保护等中。

    They play an important role in the applications including optical cross connection ( OXC ), optical add-drop multiplexing ( OADM ) and natural repair protection .

  21. 这种AOTF将用于动态光分插复用器(OADM),在未来光网络系统中起到重要作用。

    So it could be used to compose dynamically optical add / drop multiplexer ( OADM ) and should play an important role in the coming general optical network .

  22. 近年来,随着全光通信网的迅速发展,光分插复用器(OADM)作为WDM光网络的关键器件之一,一直是国内外广泛关注的焦点。

    At present , with the development of optical communication networks , as one of the key devices of WDM optical network , Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer ( OADM ) has been the focus of attention .

  23. 第四章主要研究线性啁啾Moiré光纤光栅及其在光分插复用器(OADM)和多信道色散补偿器中的应用。

    In Chapter 4 , the spectral characteristics and its application in optical add-drop multiplexer ( OADM ) and in multi-channel dispersion compensator of linearly chirped Moir é fiber grating are studied .

  24. 讨论了全光网络的四种关键技术,包括光分插复用器(OADM)、光交叉连接设备(OXC)、高速路由器和全光路由;

    Four key technologies of all-optical network , include optical add / drop multiplexing ( OADM ), optical cross connect ( OXC ), high-speed router and all-optical route , are discussed .

  25. 最后研究了OTDM系统中的分插复用技术,重点研究了基于非线性光纤的XPM频移型分插复用器的性能,分析了影响频率啁啾的因素。

    We especially study the performance of OTDM add-drop multiplexer based on XPM-induced frequency shifting in highly nonlinear fiber . Then , we analyze the impacts of factors on frequency chirp .

  26. 可重构分插复用器(ROADM)作为全光网络中的关键节点器件逐渐成为光通信领域研究的热点。

    As the key equipment of WDM all-optical network , the reconfigurable optical add / drop multiplexer ( ROADM ) is becoming the research focus of the field of optical communication .

  27. 本论文研究全光开关在OTDM系统中的应用,重点研究了OTDM系统中的关键技术:解复用技术和分插复用技术。

    All-optical switches and their applications in OTDM communication systems , especially demultiplexing technology and add-drop multiplexingtechnology & the key technologies for OTDM , are researched in this dissertation . Firstly , the nonlinear Schr ( o | ¨)

  28. 光分插复用器(OADM)能够在光域上实现信号的上下载,克服了传统技术的电子瓶颈,是实现WDM全光网的关键技术。

    Optical Add / Drop Multiplexer ( OADM ), which has a capacity of add / drop signals in the optical formation and then avoids the drawback of electronic bottleneck demonstrated in traditional technology , becomes the pivot to realize all optical WDM networks .

  29. 仿真结果表明,自适应混合光交换可以降低包丢失率和端对端网络时延。(5)设计了一种包含光分插复用器OADM的多粒度光交叉连接结构。

    Simulation results show that S-HOS can reduce IP packet dropping probability and end-to-end delay . ( 5 ) A multi-granularity optical cross connect ( MG-OXC ) contained optical add-drop multiplexer ( OADM ) is designed in the paper .

  30. 可重构光分插复用器(ROADM)是全光网中的关键节点器件,它将用在计算机互联网、数字电视网络中并且提高其信号质量、带宽和速度。

    The reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer ( ROADM ) is a crucial component in the optical network which will be used in the Internet and digital television network , enhancing their performance , band width and speed .