
  • 网络Wireless Gateway;Wireless Access Point
  1. 自适应无线网关安全访问控制系统的设计

    Analysis and Design of Security Acess Control System in Adaptive Wireless Gateway

  2. 无线网关负责接收手持终端发送的命令和数据,并将从PLC读取的状态信息发送回无线手持终端。

    Wireless gateway is responsible for receiving commands and data from handheld terminal , and sends status information which are read from the PLC back to wireless handheld terminal .

  3. 基于WTLS的无线网关的实现

    Realization of the Wireless Gateway Based on WTLS

  4. FIP工业控制网无线网关的设计

    FIP Wireless Gateway Design in Industry Control

  5. 在系统中通过改进syslog机制,引入有学习能力的数据挖掘技术,实现对无线网关的安全审计。

    The system completes the security auditing of wireless gateway by improving the syslog mechanism and introducing the data mining technology , which possesses the learning ability .

  6. 基于无线网关的工业通信网络互联策略研究

    Interconnection Strategy Study of Industrial Communication Network Based on Wireless Gateway

  7. 信息家电无线网关系统总体设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Information Familial Wireless Gateway System

  8. 基于嵌入式技术的无线网关解决方案

    Based on embedded technology solutions for the wireless gateway

  9. 实验结果验证了无线网关协议的设计合理。

    Experimental results demonstrate that the design of wireless gateway protocol is reasonable .

  10. 嵌入式无线网关的实现

    Realization of embedded wireless gateway

  11. 其次,介绍了无线网关的硬件结构,完成有源电子标签的硬件设计和实现。

    Second , it introduces the hardware framework of wireless communication gateway , then designs and implements the active label .

  12. 基于CAN协议,提出无线网关模型,无线节点通过无线网关透明地访问有线工业控制网。

    This paper designs a wireless gateway model based on CAN protocol . Wireless nodes can transparently access control networks through the wireless gateway .

  13. 该项目旨在使国家的三个部门融合,让用户能够通过一个有线或无线网关打电话、上网、看电视。

    The project aims to make the three sectors compatible in the country to allow users to make telephone calls , surf the Net and watch television through one cable or wireless gateway .

  14. 随着计算机在软件与硬件方面的快速发展,以及以太网/互联网等网络架构的日益成熟,基于嵌入式的无线网关设备逐渐在通信、自动化控制领域中得到广泛的应用,并且发挥着巨大的作用。

    With the fast development of computer software and hardware , plus the optimization of Ethernet / Internet network infrastructure , embedded wireless gateway device has been widely used and become vital in the area of communications and automatic control .

  15. 本课题作为《混合网络控制系统中无线网关的设计与实现》的一部分,完成了课题中基本通信回路的建立,为无线数据传输系统的设计提供一定的参考。

    This topic , as a part of " design and realization of wireless net gate in hybrid network control system ", finished the basic establishment of the communication loop and provided a reference for the design of the wireless data transmission system .

  16. 提出了无线网关安全审计系统的系统模型,介绍了该系统的设计思想,从数据的控制、数据的采集、日志的归类、日志的审计与报警4个方面描述了设计流程。

    This paper gives a model of security auditing system in intelligent wireless gateway , and introduces the design ideas and the design flow of this system in detail including data control , data acquisition , classification of logs , and the auditing and alarming of logs .

  17. 基于IPv6的无线车载网关的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Wireless Vehicle Gateway Base on IPv6

  18. 最后,本文分析了在有效结合RADIUS认证服务器时,无线安全网关上的用户访问的端口控制。

    Finally , combining RADIUS authentication server efficiently , the port control of user access in wireless security gateway is analyzed .

  19. 家庭无线信息网关系统将实现Internet无线路由/网关功能,信息家电控制器则是由传统的家电控制器嵌入无线网络通信接口模块所构成,家庭无线信息网关和信息家电之间通过无线通信链路联结。

    The system realized Internet wireless router and gateway function , information familial wiring controller is constituted by traditional familial wiring controller embedded wireless communication module . Wireless gateway connected wiring with wireless communication link .

  20. 基于ARM7嵌入式微处理器无线家庭网关的研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of a Wireless Home Gateway Based on ARM7 Embedded Microprocessor

  21. 基于802.1x的无线安全网关用户访问控制的探讨

    Study on User Access Control of Wireless Security Gateway Based on 802.1x

  22. 最后,采用GPRS模块和Bluetooth模块,为无线家庭网关提供经济,完善的解决方案。

    Finally , with the GPRS module and Bluetooth module , the system provides an economical and perfect solution for the wireless home gateway .

  23. 嵌入式无线家庭网关是整个家庭网络系统的核心,它主要实现数字家庭内部网络和公共网络的连接,为Internet接入、远程控制以及连接家庭内部的异构子网提供了平台。

    Its major figure is to connect the home internal network and public network together , and provide a platform for Internet access , remote control , as well as connecting the heterogeneous subnet in th house .

  24. 基于ARM-μClinux的无线家庭网关设计

    Design of the Wireless Home Gateway Based on ARM - μ Clinux

  25. 一种基于WTLS的无线安全网关的设计

    Design of a Wireless Security Gateway Based on WTLS

  26. 设计了一个基于ARM7TDMI内核的微处理器S3C44B0X的无线家庭网关;

    A wireless home gateway based on microcontroller S3C44B0X with ARM7TDMI kernel is designed .

  27. 无线安全网关认证与访问控制系统的研究

    Research of Authentication and Access Control System in Wireless Security Gateway

  28. 基于嵌入式平台的无线家庭网关设计

    Design of the Wireless Residential Gateway Base on Embedded Platform

  29. 蓝牙局域网无线接入网关的研制

    Research and Development of Bluetooth Wireless LAN Access Gateway

  30. 最后给出了整个无线投影网关的软件系统的测试方法,同时测试了设备的性能。

    Finally the testing process and test results of the entire system are presented .