
  • 网络Wireless Metropolitan Area Network;wman;WMANs;WiMax;wireless MAN
  1. 双二元Turbo码(double-binaryTurbocode)是支持无线城域网(WMAN)的802.16d标准中多载波OFDM系统物理层采用的前向纠错码方案之一。

    Double - binary Turbo code is one of the FEC methods for multi - carrier OFDM physical layer of 802.16 standard which supports the WMAN .

  2. 为了提供QoS支持,无线城域网采用了请求/授予模式来发送数据,即用户站想要发送数据时,首先必须向基站发送带宽请求。

    To support QoS , the request / grant mechanism has been used in WMAN . Under this mechanism , when a subscriber station wants to send data , it needs to send a bandwidth ( BW ) request to base station firstly .

  3. 无线城域网中多天线OFDM系统的信道估计方法

    A channel estimation method for multi - antenna OFDM system in wireless MAN

  4. 宽带无线城域网中VoIP系统的QoS研究及实现

    Research and Implementation on QoS of VoIP System in Broadband Wireless MAN

  5. 基于无线城域网物理层OFDM同步技术的研究

    Research on the Synchronization of OFDM Based on the Physical Layer of Wireless MAN

  6. WiMAX标准定义了无线城域网的MAC层和物理层技术规范。

    The MAC layer and PHY layer specifications are defined in WiMAX standard .

  7. 在IEEE802.16无线城域网中,基于带宽请求消息的预约协议在高IP业务负载时易导致预约冲突。

    Reservation protocols based on bandwidth request messages are prone to collisions during heavy IP traffic load in IEEE 802.16 wireless metropolitan area networks .

  8. 一种用于IEEE802.16无线城域网TDD模式中的带宽调度方案

    A Bandwidth Scheduling Architecture for IEEE 802.16 Wireless MAN in TDD Mode

  9. 物理层采用OFDMA接入方式的WiMAX技术,是一种很有发展潜力的无线城域网接入技术。

    WiMAX which the Physical layer adopt OFDMA method is a potential technology of wireless metropolitan network .

  10. IEEE802.16e是无线城域网(WMAN)的一个标准,为宽带接入技术的一种。

    IEEE 802.16e wireless MAN ( WMAN ) is a standard for a broadband access technology .

  11. 做为一种基于MCM的特殊多址接入技术,在宽带无线城域网建设中,OFDMA接入技术有着其特有的优点及广泛的发展前景。

    As a unique multiple access system based on the MCM technology , the orthogonal frequency division multiple access ( OFDMA ) is a promising technology for BWS .

  12. 作为未来通信技术的重要组成部分,无线城域网(WMAN)接入技术受到了业界越来越多的关注。

    As an important part of future communication technologies , the Wireless Metropolitan Area Network ( WMAN ) access technology has gained an increasing interest .

  13. WiMAX作为一种面向无线城域网(WMAN)的宽带接入方案,以其优异的性能和广阔的市场前景而倍受关注。

    As a broadband wireless access scheme for WMAN ( Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks ), WiMAX ( World Interoperability for Microwave Access ) has received primary concern because of its outstanding system performance and wide market outlook .

  14. 无线城域网(WMAN)面临着各种安全威胁,其规范IEEE802.16中定义了保密子层实现认证、密钥协商与数据保密。

    Wireless Metropolitan Area Network ( WMAN ) is faced with some security risks . Privacy sub-layer is defined in IEEE 802.16 to achieve identity authentication , key management and data protection .

  15. 并且电网的快速发展,对电力通信网的发展也起着推动作用。WiMAX全称为全球微波接入互操作性联盟,又称为802.16无线城域网,是一种宽带无线接入技术。

    And with the fast developing power grid , it will also promoting the development of power communication network . WiMAX , which is Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access , also known as the 802.16 wireless metropolitan area network is a broadband wireless access technology .

  16. 宏基站就是WiMAX无线城域网的应用之一。论文研究来源于中兴通讯有限公司WiMAX宏基站项目,该项目根据802.16e标准开发宏基站,为用户提供高速稳定的通信服务。

    WiMAX Acer station is one of the wireless metropolitan area network applications . A research paper is from ZTE WiMAX Acer Limited Station project , which developed under the 802.16e standard Acer stations , to provide users with stable high-speed communications services .

  17. 移动宽带无线城域网关键技术及其展望

    Key Technology and Prospect of Mobile Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks

  18. 基于无线城域网的公路交通信息系统

    A Highway Information System Based on Wireless Broadband Metropolitan Area Networks

  19. 这些研究对于无线城域网的组网和运营具有重要的指导意义。

    All these studies are useful for building and running WMAN .

  20. 基于双层分级的无线城域网资源分配方案

    A Resource Allocation Strategy Based on Two-Level Hierarchical Scheduler for Wireless MAN

  21. 宽带无线城域网中的接入控制技术研究

    Study on Call Admission Control Technology in Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Network

  22. 无线城域网技术是继无线局域网之后出现的又一项宽带无线接入技术。

    Wireless MAN is another wireless broadband access technology after wireless LAN .

  23. 一种适用于宽带无线城域网实时业务的分组调度算法

    Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Services in Broadband WMAN

  24. 一种改进的无线城域网鉴别协议

    An Improved Authentication Protocol of Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks

  25. 基于IEEE802.20标准构建无线城域网

    Shaping WMAN on the Basis of IEEE 802.20

  26. 宽带无线城域网的设计

    The Design of Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Network

  27. 无线城域网标准IEEE802.16a;

    Wireless Metropolitan Area Network Standard IEEE 802.16a ;

  28. 无线城域网通信技术IEEE802.16协议架构及技术特点

    The Technology Features and Applications of IEEE 802.16 Protocol in Wireless MAN Network Technology

  29. 无线城域网带宽调度算法的设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of a Scheduling Algorithm of Bandwidth Allocation in Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks

  30. 无线城域网中的关键技术

    Key Technologies for Wireless Metropolitan Area Network