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  • 网络Nothing;Nothingness
  1. 我们觉得我们没有了家,也没有了家人,一无所有。

    We felt we had no home any more , no family , nothing

  2. 他一无所有,仅靠自身才能就变得富有而出名。

    With nothing but his own talent , he made himself rich and famous .

  3. 我来到这个国家时身上一无所有。

    I arrived in this country with zilch .

  4. 很多人被灾难夺去了一切,变得一无所有。

    Many had lost all in the disaster and were destitute .

  5. 我除了行李被褥之外一无所有。

    Apart from clothes and bedding , I have nothing .

  6. 除了他的薪水,他们一无所有。

    They had no money beyond his salary .

  7. 除了那些书和少数报章剪辑以及杂志报道以外,温特一无所有。

    Beyond those books and a handful of newspaper clippings and magazine stories , winter has nothing .

  8. 这个人一无所有,但他并没有将钱包归为己有;相反,他是在为别人。

    This guy has nothing and yet he didn 't take the wallet for himself ; he thought about others instead .

  9. 她写道:"无家可归夺走了我所有的物质财富,让我一无所有,就像一本未完成的书末尾的空白页。"

    She writes , " Homelessness had taken every material thing from me and left me torn bare , an empty page at the end of a partly written book ."

  10. 除浮躁、时髦和幻想外,巴歇夫人一无所有

    Lady Busshe is nothing without her flights , fads , and fancies .

  11. 慢慢地,她由于单相思而日渐憔悴;最后,除了声音之外,她已经一无所有。

    Slowly she became weak for despised love , until at last nothing remained of her except her voice .

  12. 他知道他是一无所有的来到世上,也将会两手空空的离开人间。

    go to meet one 's Maker1 He knew that he came into the world with nothing and that he would go to meet his Maker with empty hands .

  13. 一个败家子因为挥霍无度白白耗费了所有的财产。在一个早春的日子里,除了身上的衣服之外,已经别无所有的他,看到一只燕子。

    A spendthrift , who had wasted his fortune , and had nothing left but the clothes in which he stood , saw a swallow one fine day in early spring .

  14. 换了我的话要考虑再三才把钱交给他,听他的话似乎是会很快把你的钱骗得精光的滑头交易。这里的loseyourshirt意思也是倾家荡产变得一无所有。

    I 'd think twice before I 'd give him any money : this sounds like a deal where you can lose your shirt in a hurry .

  15. 很多人猜测这两位创始人会通过诉讼让Skype关门大吉,投资者将一无所有。

    Many speculated that the founders would use their claim to shut down Skype and leave investors with nothing .

  16. 苹果和谷歌在这一平台有两个基于WebKit开源架构的移动浏览器而微软几乎一无所有。

    There , Apple and Google have two excellent WebKit-based mobile browsers . Microsoft has got less than nothing .

  17. 我知道你身家千万,拥有豪车无数,私人豪华餐厅,现代化农牧场,自从QQ号丢了以后,你就一无所有,神马也不是。

    I know you assets must , with current car countless , private luxury restaurant , author modernization , since QQ number lost after , you will have nothing , a horse is god .

  18. 但是,我们并不是一无所有;在JSP1.1中,我们获得一种称为“标记”的新特性。

    However , all is not lost ; with JSP1.1 , we got a new feature called tags .

  19. M-Dot是个高速的交易网络,在两年时间内从一无所有成长为业界的领导。

    M-Dot is a high speed transaction network build on a very small budget that achieved leadership status from nothing in two years .

  20. 虽然FPTP选举体系清晰明确、易于计数,但是不具有高度代表性,失败者即使获得了大量的支持者也会变得一无所有。

    As an electoral system , it offers ideological clarity and accountability , but it is not very representative , giving nothing to losers even with substantial support .

  21. “如果没有健康,你便一无所有”,这是一个被绝大多数人所认同,同时也是被著名电视节目主持人HeidiDugan所认可并且实践的一种观念。

    It has always been agreed upon by the vast majority , that if you don 't have your HEALTH , you have nothing ; an idea recognised and practiced by television personality Heidi Dugan .

  22. 在我们这群一无所有的杂牌科学家里我是聪明的那个Wolowitz是有趣的那个Koothrappali是不断想要了解我们文化却失败了的那个可爱老外

    In our ragtag band of scientists with nothing to lose , I 'm the smart one , Wolowitz is the funny one , and Koothrappali is the lovable foreigner who struggles to understand our ways and fails .

  23. 在她去世的时候,一无所有,她也一无所求。

    When she died she had nothing and she needed nothing .

  24. 你给一无所有的人买什么呢?

    What do you buy for the person who has nothing ?

  25. 人若没有目标,很快会成为一无所有。

    Man , with no objective , will soon possess nothing .

  26. 只有疼痛与除了仇恨就一无所有的心灵。

    Their bodies ached and their hearts held nothing but hatred .

  27. 除了一张百万英镑的钞票,我是一无所有。

    I had nothing in the world but a million-pound note .

  28. 没有人比他,一个一无所有的人更雄心勃勃了。

    No one is so enterprising as he who has nothing .

  29. 但你并不会一无所有

    But it 's not like you won 't have anything .

  30. 若你杀了她,你也将一无所有。

    If you kill her , there 's no more money .